Past and Present

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"VOI! PAY ATTENTION BEFORE I CUT YOU INTO PIECES!" The shark delivered another blow, but you counter with the staff of your double edge scythe. You jumped back to create distance from him. No doubt he'd swing for a day and a half.

You huffed, as your flames circled around your weapon. The two of you had been fighting for awhile, both with some sort of Injury. You had cuts from the force of his swipes, while he had cuts from where your scythe had actually nicked him.

Your regular scythe possessed a gear in the middle of the staff, allowing to double it's length. The blade was also cut into half, creating another edge to the end of the staff. So if you missed a swipe, you'd be able to spin it it around, giving you a chance your another blow. The blade was made from Damascus steel, giving it water-like markings to the tip. Adding onto that factor, you had Lightning Flames coat it, making it close to impossible to break. 

The gear that connected it was also unlockable, allowing you to turn it into sickles if you'd like.

"Hai, hai." Ever since you returned, Squalo wanted to fight you. Two reasons behind that. As a sort of punishment for getting captured and to show off his new moves and strength. You charged towards him, eyes narrowed in determination. Your flame type made you move faster than the man could blink. Within seconds, you made another swipe at him. Only to have him block with his sword. That left you two at a standstill. 

Dull purple glared into bloody amber orbs, with returned the favor. The next move could be anyone’s game. But before that happen, a flamboyant man happen to interrupt. 

"Ah~! You guys! Could stop fighting for a moment? The Vongola man has requested us~! They're at the castle right now~" And with that, the man left.

Both you and Squalo gave each other looks, most likely about the boxer and his attitude, before retracting from each other. You withdraw your flames, as the cloud ring on your finger stops glowing. Squalo made a complaint about the Vongola and their perfect timing, while you snapped your scythe back in place and hung it over your shoulder. Your jacket was tied around your waist; you changed into a pale yellow shirt with black pants. 

You and the Sharkman went down into the 'meeting room', where the Vongola was at. It wasn't a meeting room-

Well, it was, but the Varia usually made plans in the dining room or went solo.

For some reason, memories started flashing by.


"Tus-kun! Please stop fighting! Onii-chan!" 

You watch silently from the shadows, as Tsuna and Kyoko argued. Kyoko didn't want fighting, but with Tsuna being a mafia boss, it was impossible for that.

You wondered if she truly believes in a world of no fighting, that others shouldn't get hurt.

Innocent like that was disgusting to you.

She was too naive to know the real world.

She was going to get killed at that rate.


"Your coming with us." You narrowed your eyes, some random men show up right in the middle of your training. Although Reborn warned you of these people, not once did you think they'd seek you out. 

"I don't like being ordered around."

You got into a fighting stance, your staff out in front of you. The boy with blonde hair covering his eyes charged at you. He threw knives in your direction, making you swiftly duck and swipe at him. He dodged but you were fast enough to land another blow in him.

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