Good Lies?•millie

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my eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shone through my blinds. Chester, my dog, jumped onto my bed and wet my face with his slobbery kisses.

'chester stop that!' i giggled in between each kiss.

i stretched my arms and headed over towards my closet as i pulled out a pair of shorts and a black crop top.

'hey chester!' i said excitedly, he cocked his head to the side and thumped his tail.

'wanna go on a walk?' i grabbed his leash and headed downstairs with him happily running after me.  together we walked outside and the warm sun left goosebumps on my skin. i closed my eyes and was relaxing outside until a voice interrupted me...

'hello millie brown.'

'what the hell do you want?' i scoffed avoiding eye contact with him.

'oh you know' he smirked and stepped closer to me.

i laughed 'i'm not dating you romeo'

'how about just one kiss?' he begged giving me puppy eyes.

i wanted to punch him right in his face but i decided not to, id do something else.

'well just one kiss wouldn't hurt.' i said as i batted my eyelashes. he closed his eyes and opened his mouth as he moved even closer towards me. quickly, i picked up Chester and placed him right in front of my face. chester licked romeo right on his lips causing romeo to jump back and wipe his tongue.

'WHAT THE HELL?' he shrieked

'now, get the fuck out of my yard or i'll drop kick you to the other side of the street. understand?' i said sweetly as i patted Chester on his head as romeo scurried back to his yard.

i laughed and went back inside and started my studies for the day.


it was nighttime again and i couldn't wait to see finn again. ever since we kissed every time i thought of him my heart pounded faster in my chest. i left my window unlocked so the tapping wouldn't wake up my mum. suddenly, the door flew open causing me to jump.

my face was opposite to the window as i said 'finn you scared me! at least let me kn-' my mouth was frozen open as i turned around to see a red headed girl climbing through my i window. uh, that's not finn.

'hi i'm sadie!' i could tell she was happy by the toothy grin plastered on her face. before i could introduce myself i heard another person at my window this time it was a boy who look about a year or two younger.

'guys give me a boost i can't reach' he yelled to the people below him.

'aw c'mon noah just pull yourself up!' a raspy voice replied.

'that's noah' sadie said gesturing to the struggling boy at the window, we scurried over and helped pull him in by his arms.

he got up and dusted his pants off ' i could've gotten it myself but- oh my god i love your hair!' he squeaked as he examined a piece.

'yeah and he's not gay' sadie said putting air quotes around 'not gay' i giggled as two other boys jumped into my room at the same time causing the light-haired curly boy to land on top of the dark skinned boy.

'get off me!' he snapped pushing the boy off the top of him, i bit my lip to keep myself from breaking out into laughter.

'hi i'm gaten' he waved as he helped the boy off of my floor.

'i'm millie' i smiled back.

'and this is caleb' sadie said squeezing her arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

'sadie, you're choking me' he croaked as she dropped her arms and giggled. all of us laughed as someone else jumped inside. finn

'hey soo these are you friends?' i smiled and gestured to the four others in my room.

'yep' he nodded and took a seat in a chair.

the six of us chatted with each other and laughed. Sadie walked around my room and picked up a tube of mascara.

'do you mind if i try it on?' she asked with wide, excited eyes.

'sure' i smiled. she peered in the mirror and stroked it onto her upper lash as she grinned at her reflection.

'what do ya think?' she asked.

'it looks amazing! you can keep it, it looks way better on you than me.' i replied. she squealed and put her arms around me and brought me into a tight squeeze.

'thank you so so so much millie!' she giggled and shifted back over to caleb's side.

'so this is the palace everyone' finn announced loudly.

'shhh' i quickly put my hand over his mouth, 'my mum is sleeping!'

'sorry' they all whispered in unison with goofy smiles on their faces.

'she's leaving for a business trip tomorrow though so your volume won't be an issue anymore.'

'how long is she going?' gaten asked .

'a month' i said, fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist.

caleb let out a long whistle,
'jesus that's a long time, where's she going? the moon?'

everyone bursted out in laughter until i heard the boards of the bed creak.

'you need to leave' i snapped, harsher than i expected.

'w-why? what's wrong?' finn asked a frown upon his freckled face.

'i think my mum heard us laughing' i made my way towards the window,unlocked it and threw it open. first sadie, caleb, noah and gaten. finn was the last one to leave,

'see ya tomorrow princess' he winked and hopped out the window along with his other friends. i giggled and rolled my eyes playfully before i darted over to my bed to pretend like i was fast asleep. the door knob twisted open and my mum came into the room.

'millie, are you awake?' she asked, taking a seat on my bed. i forced my eyes to stay closed. i felt her hand on my shoulder to softly shake me back and forth.

'm-mum?' i said groggily as i looked at her.

'did you have anyone in your room by any chance?' she questioned with tired eyes. i gulped and felt my heart in my chest.

'n-no, i think you're just dreaming mum. go get some rest.' i said as i propped myself up on my elbows.

'i think you're right millie, goodnight dear' she half smiled and kissed the top of my head then walked out of my room.

it felt bad to lie to her, my mom and i were so close especially after what happened. we told each other everything, i shared every single elementary school crush i had with her and cried to her if i was picked on or teased. i had never lied to her before, but this time was okay... wasn't it?

A\N: sorry i was so inactive i just had writers block lol, i'm also going back and renaming chapters too :)


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