Yet now here I am, lying defenceless and vulnerable on the ice cold stone floor, enduring the screams that remind me so much of hers.
The light of an open door momentarily blinds me, making me wince. The same man that had took my sister stood before, ready to take me back to isolation. By now, I knew better than to rebuke, so I followed him, without either saying a word.
The corridors are immaculate today: this is the best they've done for me since my last near-escape. After all, despite being a rebel I am their heir. Not that I deserve this, no one deserves this. Being an heir to an illegal organisation that takes children from families just because they're different? That is not something anyone should honour.
Only the strongest are allowed to take over — so why me? They say I have potential; power unlike any seen before. I doubt this, I have only now began to use my black magic, yet it is weak. So why am I the rightful heir? Can anyone tell me?
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This suit. I love it. I don't know why, I just do. They force me to wear it, yet I don't care. It amplifies my strength and clears my mind, boosting my attributes to the maximum they could be in this form. I could just break away right now, after all the door is just in front of me. However, I know I would fail, I'd get half way and a Kinetic would throw something in my path, or a Pyromancer would burn down half of the forest searching for me. I cannot take that risk just yet, I must build my power. I will bring my sister's death to justice.
In this world, death seeks time yet time causes death.