Prologue/Chapter 1

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Hi do I don't usually do romances... in fact this is my first so... it's not great. I reeeaaallly hope you guys like it! Plz comment and strap yourselves in for a (hopefully) great romance!!!
The seconds ticked by at a glacial pace, each one felt like an hour, dread flipped my stomach. Only two minutes until my future would be set in stone, this couldn't be happening. The good-girl character I was painted as continued to throw itself against the inside of my skull, I hated it.
"Lexie hurry up! We need to leave soon!" The voice of my Mum rang through the house.
"Yep, be out in a sec." I called back, surprising myself when my voice remained steady.
Shifting on the bathroom floor, I stood up, and checked my watch again. One minute left. I was once again jolted, fear spreading through me like wildfire, 'what if's' crowding my mind. Controlling myself, I avoided the sink with my eyes where it was laying and instead, stared out the small window above the toilet. Was I ready? For any of this? Checking my watch once again, 50 seconds.
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. In and out, then another, in and out, then continuing this pattern until I felt slightly dizzy and stopped. It wasn't working, the frantic thoughts were still trying to burst out of my head. I paced for a bit then I checked my watch once more. Ten seconds. I could hardly wait, the weight on me was getting heavier by the second, I shook myself trying to control the tears that were trying to free themselves. I checked again, time was up.
Lifting a tentative hand I picked up the test, sitting on the edge of the bath tub I covered my mouth to stop any sound escaping. There in the tiny square on the test, was a plus sign. Positive.
I was pregnant.
Refusing to let the tears that threatened to spill over win, I blinked my eyes, I had to stay strong. Standing up, I plucked a small plastic bag out of the drawer and wrapped up the test. Shoving it in my bag I had a glass of water and, answering my mother who was threatening to leave without me, I ran out the door.
"What took you so long?" My mother asked me when we were in the car.
"Just couldn't find something..." I replied, I had never been good at lying and my Mum knew that I wasn't telling the truth. She gave me a stern but amused glance, rolling her blue eyes she turned the key in the ignition and the car roared to life, jolting forward and out of the driveway.
"So, where did you disappear off to on Saturday? Please tell me you weren't with that boy again..." my stomach twisted at the thought of Ace.
His ruffled brown hair and sparkling green eyes, the way he would look at me was enough to make my knees weaken... yeah I should probably explain.
A few months earlier
"So, what are you gonna wear tonight?" My best friend, Jessica, asked me. She twirled in a few circles, showcasing the skinny red dress she had bought at 'forever new'.
"I have no clue Jess, I don't have anything for an engagement party." I answered, shrugging as I leafed through a scrapbook she was working on. Jess sat back on her desk chair and continued to curl her stubborn brown hair, turning her chocolate brown eyes on me she replied, "go look in the wardrobe of wonders and choose a dress."
"I couldn't!"
"No arguments! Off you go, move that little tooch!" She joked, a smile fixed on her face, returning the smile I gingerly opened her wardrobe door and stepped in. Jessica's parents were loaded, she had a whole seperate room just for her clothes, shoes and accessories. I was still amazed by the sight of so many gorgeous colours, tones and textures, the brightly lit room was every girl's dream. I wandered over to a section that held racks full of fancy gowns and reluctantly selected a pale pink knee length dress with light frills cascading down in soft folds of smooth fabric.
Slipping it on I exited the room, I watched Jess study me, humour flared in me. She was such a fashion critic, she would always make sure I was looking my best and that she was looking hers.
"Hmm... I like it but you could do better." She stood rushing into her wardrobe and scanning the racks, running her fingers over the hangers and choosing 3.
"Try each of these on and show me!" She said handing them to me, that cheeky grin still etched onto her pretty face.
"But Jess..."
"No buts'." She interrupted
After she had left the room I examined each of the dresses. A coral peach that was made out of silky fabric, that came down to my ankles, the sides split at the knee. A pale violet dress coming above my knees, designs carefully embroidered into it with indigo thread, with a pretty white under layer and white belt around the middle. The last one was a deep blue satiny dress, that came right down to the floor, at the bottom were beautiful white swirls sewed in with pearls and sequins, creating a frosty art on the fabric that seemed to be crawling upwards. I loved them all, trying each one on and facing Jess, she finally concluded that I was to wear the blue one. I thanked her so many times I lost count, she simply waved her hand at me and said, "anything for my girl." She did my hair in cute bun with braids and fastened a blue pearl clasp to the top of it.
She chose a gorgeous pair of sparkling white heels and stood back to admire her work.
"Yes, twirl!" She ordered, her eyes sparkling with triumph and her lips curled in a smile. I spun, letting the blue fabric fan around me.
"Yep, you look absolutely perfect!!" She exclaimed clapping her hands excitedly. "Can you pass those heels?" She added, gesturing to a pair of red stilettos that still sat in their box. I picked them up and carefully handed them to her, they were definitely very Jess.
"Girls? Are you ready to go?" Jess's Mum, Clare, called from the hall.
"No way?! Is that the time already? We'd better get a move on!" Jess remarked, finishing her last curl she picked out a brown clutch for herself then gave me a nice white one.
We then hurried out - as fast as we could in dresses and heels without tripping - to the top of the stairs.
Jessica's date had arrived and stood in an expensive tux at the bottom of the stairs, his name was Tex, he was a typical Footy guy. Not much else to be said really, beefy and with less brains than a peanut, pretty much all he was good for was arm candy. Jess descended gracefully and slipped her arm into his, they made their way over to the door.
"I don't see your date Lexie?" A voice from behind me nearly made me trip down the stairs. Clare stood there, her husband, Charles, was with her, his arm around her waist.
"Oh, I uh... sort of... don't have one..." I answered awkwardly. I had been best friends with Jess since Prep and her Family was like my second family, and mine hers, Clare was like my second Mum, though my Mum was the still best.
"Oh sweetie, well, I'm sure you'll find someone to talk to, if not is there someone you can call?" She asked, Charles mumbled something about meeting Clare in the car and exited, dates and drama wasn't really his forte, he was a business man, and a good one at that.
"You could always ask Harry... though I'll admit that would be a little... awkward." Clare suggested. Harry was Jessica's older brother, he was actually pretty decent compared to most of the guys I knew, but again he was like a second brother and awkward would be an understatement.
"No thanks Clare, Jess will get bored at some stage and come to find me." I said then quickly added, "plus I'll know people there, most of the town is going."
"Yes, well, if you get lonely, be sure to tug Jess away from her date and tell her she's being a bad friend." Clare told me, she patted my shoulder and placed a kiss on my cheek before we both exited the house, I climbed into Jessica's BMW with Jess and Tex, Clare and Charles took the Porsche, the Jeep sat empty in the enormous driveway. As we pulled out, I received a message on my phone, I dug around in my clutch and removed the device. A message from Ace read; Hey Lex, r u gonna be at this engagement thing tonight?
I caught myself smiling at the simple question and shook myself, replying; Yeah, u?
I was just about to switch it off when he texted back; Yep, I don't have a date. Do u?
My heart seemed to stop, but I blinked and replied; nah
There was a pause before he replied; do u want to come with me? As friends...
I couldn't help but let out a squeal of excitement.
"What?" Jess asked from the drivers seat, I waved her away and answered;
Sure, I'm catching a ride with Jess, see u there?
He replied seconds later; yeah, what r u wearing so I can find u?
I typed back; blue and white, u?
He answered in even less detail than that; clothes.
- haha
- I know I'm hilarious
- u wish, the only one who laughs at ur jokes is the janitor
- never knew the 'good girl' had so much spice
And there it was again, that stupid title. 'Good Girl'. I switched off my phone and placed it back in my clutch. I leant back in my seat and closed my eyes, thinking about Ace. He was maybe a head taller than me, he had ruffled brown hair and a cute face. His emerald green eyes always twinkled when he flashed his killer smile, and he was really smart. He had a lot of friends, he loved to talk mostly, I could listen to his mesmerising voice all day. He was on a footy team outside of school but he wasn't obsessed like some guys were, Ace always had a habit of making me smile even if I didn't want to. I reckon my Mum would like him even more than I do. He isn't my boyfriend, he is just a friend, a good friend, plus, I didn't even want a boyfriend. I was jerked out of my thoughts when the car came to a stop.
"We're here!" Jess said in a sing-song voice.
"Do we even know the bride and groom?" Tex asked stupidly.
"Yes, of course we do, it's Miss Derly from the primary school, she invited everyone!" Jess answered, turning off the engine and tucking the keys in her clutch.
"Well? Are we going or not?" She asked, twisting to face me and her date. We all exited the vehicle and Tex held out an arm for Jess, my best friend took it, turned to blow me a kiss and went inside. I watched them enter, arm in arm and smiling, they came to an open area, decorated in red and white streamers, there was blown up red hearts and large hall filled with tables and gossip. I turned away, placing a hand to my head to check that my Doo wasn't ruined, I felt my blond curls poking through the bun and fixed it with a spare pin from my clutch of wonders.
"I'm always amazed by the amount of stuff a woman can fit in her purse."I recognised the voice instantly, and spun around to confirm my suspicions. Yes. There he was standing in a smart blue suit, his usually messy brown locks combed. Ace.
"A simple hi would do." I replied with a cheeky smile.
"Hi." He said in a mock tone, he stepped forward and we hugged, sending tingles all over my body. "Should we make our way inside?" He asked holding out his arm with that smile that could make you drop dead. I took it and we ventured into the complex, passing Jess's parents who were chatting to the local baker, and coming to a stop beside Jess and Tex.
"Hey Babe! Where have you be..." she said to me but cut herself off when she saw Ace.
"Ace! Hi!" She gushed, before grabbing me and dragging me to a semi-quiet corner, she started questioning me excitedly.
"What happened? Did he ask you or you him?"
"Umm, he didn't have a date and neither did I so we came together... as friends!" I added quickly
"Aha, yeah sure. It's a date and you know it." Jessica said bluntly.
"Jess, if it were a date I'd say so. But we are just friends." I told her.
"Okay! I'm just saying!" She raised her hands up in defence, I rolled my eyes and we linked arms, wandering over to the hosts. "Dave! Lynn!" Jessica called the two's attention.
"Oh! Jessica and Lexie!" Miss Derly exclaimed, she had been my grade 5 teacher when she was new to the school, Jess and I had been some of her favourite and first students. Though in this small country town the classes consist of one per grade and had about 15 students in each class, so yeah, there weren't many.
"Thanks so much for coming you two!" She exclaimed, pulling us both into a hug.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world! Congratulations!" I said pecking her on the cheek.
"Thanks sweetie, I'm sure you've met Dave..." Lynn gestured to a man standing with three others, he was chubby but had a very kind face.
"Yes, he works at the local Vet, am I right?" Asked Jess, Lynn nodded, and said; "Wow, you girls look gorgeous!"
I felt myself blush at her kind words,
"Well, I think you look absolutely stunning in that getup!" Jess answered gesturing at the peach coloured dress Lynn wore. They launched into a whole long conversation, I just nodded and smiled, not having any idea about what the two of them were gossiping about.
I suddenly felt a hand on my waist, a soft voice whispered in my ear, "Wanna dance?" Ace placed his other hand on my shoulder and I felt innumerable shivers run through me.
"Uh, yeah sure." I managed to choke out, slowly backing away from the conversation between Jess and Lynn.
He turned me around laughing when I almost fell, his laugh was like a lulling music that I didn't want to stop listening to. A song came on that was a slow pace and I hesitantly placed my arms around his neck, while he placed his hands on my waist, we swayed, letting the music be the only sound we heard. I felt his beautiful green eyes watching me as I stared at the floor, I looked up, meeting his gaze and felt my heart skip several beats. "Can I ask you something Lex?" Ace asked, he seemed suddenly nervous and I didn't want to hope he would ask me out because I didn't want to be let down.
"Can I stay at your place? Just for a few days, my Dad lost his job a while ago and he is coming home drunk every night. Last night we had an argument and... he hit me." He looked down and my heart broke for him as his eyes misted.
"It's ok if not, I just, you have been such a great friend lately, I didn't know where else to go."
"No, of course, I'll call up my Mum, it's just me and her so we have the room. Hey," I said lifting his chin, "It'll be ok. I promise."
"Thanks Lexie." He flashed me his dazzling smile and I couldn't help but smile myself.

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