Chapter 3: Motorbike

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So... hey hey guys! Wat up.... ok sooo, I don't actually have a plan for this, I need to come up with one so if there are massive mistakes plz let me know and I'll get the story straight!
Also from here on there may be some course language, so just warning ya!

Ok you can do this Lexie... I thought to myself, I got out of the car and wandered over to the oval, I glanced around.
Where is he?
I was growing impatient, dropping my bag at my feet I opened it and tugged out the sticky note, on it read;
meet me on the oval before school. We need to talk.
In my experience 'We need to talk' was never a good thing, last time someone said that it was my Dad and the next day my life was a shit-hole. I was jerked out of my sad thoughts when I heard the rev of a motorbike behind me, Ace had his leather jacket on and his helmet under his arm, his brown hair was messy and his eyes cautious. He was still on his black Yamaha and I wondered vaguely if he should be on the oval with the motorbike.
"Hop on." He said simply throwing me his helmet. I caught it clumsily and threw on my backpack.
"Are you insane?" I replied. I looked down at what I was wearing; ripped jeans a tight yellow tank top with black Nike shoes, was that really the best thing to wear?
"A little." He said with a playful smirk.
I must be crazy. I hesitantly put on the helmet and climbed on. This is crazy. He took my arms and wrapped them around his waist. This is crazy. "Hold on." He told me before the engine roared and took off. I am crazy. I was right up against him because of the dipped seat and I squirmed a little in discomfort which made him chuckle. We came to an empty backroad and he sped up, my heart felt like it was about leap out of my chest and run for its life, I subconsciously held Ace tighter to avoid falling off, he laughed. Slowing somewhat he pulled onto a narrow path into the woods, "Is it meant to go off-road?" I asked, terrified beyond belief.
"It's a trail bike, that's what it's designed for." He replied, obviously finding amusement in my terror.
"Umm... ok" I let out a squeak of surprise and fear as the bike hit a rut and jumped.
"Trust me, I've had this thing since I was 14." He said. 14? Is that legal?
"4 years?"
"Yeah." He replied, his face was hidden from view, so I didn't know if he was kidding or if the bike was his Dad's or what.
He came to a stop in a little clearing and I leaped off the bike, I pulled off the helmet and ran a hand through my blonde hair, Ace didn't get off. He sat there looking at the ground, he finally swung his leg over and kicked the stand, then leaned up against it, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked up at me.
"Well?" I prompted, my heart rate returning to normal.
"I'm so sorry." He finally said. Wait what? Did I miss something?
"I'm confused."
"I've put you in danger. I lied to you." He avoided my gaze again, kicking at a patch of grass.
"Now your scaring me. Why did we have to come out here." I asked.
"I couldn't risk anyone hearing us. Any of them." Them?
"Lex, I need you to not freak out ok?" He said standing and walking over to me.
"Shit, now I'm really scared." I told him throwing the helmet to him. He caught it and put it on the seat of his bike, he then just walked off, into the woods.
"Follow." He mumbled, I must be crazy, I follow him.

A cabin? In the woods... this is turning into a horror movie. Ah shit.
"Ok, now just... don't say anything." He instructs, I frown. "I'm serious Lex."
"Ok." I say still not entirely sure, but I swallow the fear rising up  in me and follow Ace into the cabin, I trust him, I know he wouldn't hurt me.
The dust filled cabin was full of junk covered in old sheets, boxes full of bits and pieces, paintings, lamps, couches and god knows what else. Ace picks up an axe from beside the door and walks in, now I'm trying very hard not to freak out.
"Show yourself!" He bellowed, raising the axe, I gripped his arm when I heard a bang and seconds later a drowsy possum ran into a hole in the roof from a stack of collapsed boxes. He turned to smile mischievously at me and I let go of his arm, he checked a few more spots and once he was satisfied he came over to where I still stood in the doorway.
"Are you gonna move?" Ace gently pulled me out of the way and shut the door, I gulped when he bolted it.
"So... why are we here? Why am I in danger and why did you come in threatening to kill someone with an axe?" I blurted.
"Ok, well, I have a shit load of explaining to do."
"Hell yeah you do." I was struggling to keep my voice from shaking, I was terrified.
"It all started about a year ago, my Dad went in debt and he had too much pride to ask a friend for a loan, instead he thought it was a good idea to get involved with the local gang. My Mum packed up and left the second he got involved with them, my...sister... and I were left behind." He said he choked out the sister part and I thought I saw tears in his eyes before he turned to the cloudy, cobweb covered window.

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