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A new perceptive.

"And that is it class, we have exams all next week so make sure you guys study

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"And that is it class, we have exams all next week so make sure you guys study." Professor Williams concluded before letting his student exit out his room.

All of his students left except for one, Dylan. He was too busy slobbering all over the desk that he didn't hear the professor end the class.

"Dylan," Professor William yelled, causing Dylan to jump up from his slumber.

"We talked about you doing all this sleeping during my class son."

"I know, I didn't get much sleep last night." Dylan said, standing up and rubbing his eyes.

"Mhm, probably messing with them girls all night." Professor William shook his head, causing Dylan to laugh.

"But get this son, if I catch you sleeping in my class again, It's gon' be me and you, understand?" Professor Williams pointed.

"I understand."

"Now, get out my classroom."

Dylan walked out of the classroom and into the the walkway. On his way back to his dorm, a couple of dudes he knew stopped and dabbed him up, while the girls did what ever they could to get his attention. Dylan was the ladies man on campus. He was proud to say that he had a body count of 37. But, there was this on girl that he couldn't seem to get to fall under his spell, Keisha Norwood. She was one of the most finest girls on campus. She could get any man she wanted but, she didn't want any of them.

Walking up to his dorm room, he was in the process of putting the key into the door knob until he was stopped by somebody coming out of their dorm, it was Keisha. They stopped and looked at each other before Keisha started to walk out of the dorm building.

"Keisha hold up, " He said, jogging to where she was.

"What do you want, Dylan?"

"Damn, I can't get a hello

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"Damn, I can't get a hello." Dylan said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, because saying hello to you end up with us having sex so, I'll pass."

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