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Rosalie had purchased first class tickets. It made sense that someone like her would always travel as easily as possible. But I had never flown first class before and I really couldn't believe that the seats reclined all of the way back and didn't bother the person behind me. But since this was a strange flight, no one was behind me anyway. In fact, there were only three other people in first class with us. Rosalie ignored me as I toyed with all of the buttons and free stuff I was given when the plane took off. Occasionally she would give me the 'stop looking so bourgeois' look but I could only smile in return. She was taking me to Alice. I was going to see Alice again and I was certain that she would come back with me. Once I had grown bored with the gadgets, I fell asleep. It was a red eye flight after all. When I woke up, I found that Rosalie was in the same position she had been in the entire time. This time, though, her eyes were closed. Pretending to sleep, maybe? I glanced at my watch. It was about ten a.m. our time.

"Rosalie?" I whispered to her. Her eyes shot open and she turned her head to the right to face me, quirking a brow.

"If it's ten in the morning our time, what time is it in Moscow?"

"Nine in the evening."

"Of the same day?"


"How much longer is the flight?"

"We're due to land at 3 in the morning, Moscow time."

I sighed, thanking her, to which she responded with a nod. I opened the window a crack and glanced outside. It was growing dark, but I could still see the ocean beneath us. I bet it was freezing and I momentarily shivered at the thought of being submerged in it. "Ah, the joys of feeling cold," Rosalie commented. I turned to her and noticed that she was watching me. She must have seen me shiver. I nodded awkwardly.

"You don't feel cold?"

"No, though we can feel heat. Disgusting feeling."

"What about another vampire? What do they feel like to you, temperature wise?"

"The same another human feels to you. Completely normal."

I nodded and studied her face for a moment. It really was something to behold. Alice was beautiful, yes, just as beautiful as Rosalie in my opinion. But Rosalie was...there was no point in describing her because you'd just have to see her to understand. So I decided to let it drop as best as I could and focus on the tactic at hand. Allotting time for customs, we had a small layover in Moscow where Rosalie hoped to get me more efficient clothes. From Moscow we would fly to Norilsk on a small commercial liner and in Norilsk Rosalie had a car waiting for us. From there it would be about a two hour drive to Sangvine. If all went according to plan we would arrive in Sangvine, undetected, in the morning.

Then came the dangerous part: Sneaking me through Sangvine aka Vampire Village. Rosalie had closed her eyes again and I brought my arm up to my nose. I pulled the sleeve back and placed my skin directly on my nose, inhaling deeply. The faintest smell of the soap I use in the shower...and nothing else. I smelled like Dove. Hardly the cause for a vampire losing their cool. Of course, I knew that it was the blood pumping beneath this skin that was the real cause of all of this trouble. Stupid blood.

"Everything would just be easier if I was a vampire," I said dramatically, resting my head against my chair. Rosalie shot up then, glaring at me so intensely that I jumped when I saw it. She looked me over for a moment, as if she were calculating my words in her mind. Then she shook her head slowly at me, as if I was a small child.

"No, things would not be easier," she said slowly.

"But the thing that has been causing all of this trouble is this!" I threw my wrist in her face and she jumped back, giving a quiet hiss. I lifted my head and looked at the other passengers. All three of them looked to be asleep. Thank God.

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