Christmas to Remember (Mini Matchmaker Bonus Scene)

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**This is NOT a standalone. Spoilers, if you haven't read the full series.***

Characters: reader, Steve, Justice (oc), Bucky, mentions of Clint and fam.

Summary: It's been a whirlwind of a year with Steve and little Justice. As the holiday celebrations commence, a few surprises are revealed and questions are asked about your future together. (Steve Rogers AU) 

Warnings: None!! total fluff, like cavity-inducing as usual. :D

Word Count: 2.9k

A/N: This fluffy little holiday fic is back!! At least, for another one-shot. ;) I've missed these character so much, so when an idea came to me, I ran with it. There's the possibility of more in the future, but no guarantees. Hope this fuels your holiday spirit and that you like this little ball of fluff! Any feedback is appreciated. I adore you all. <3


The slam of car doors and playful laughter outside roused you from sleep. Stretching in bed a moment, you sighed and let the fog leave your mind before slipping out of bed and descending the stairs. The front door burst open as you reached the landing, voices and excitement growing louder with every step.

Entering the living room, you spotted everyone still in winter coats, hats, and gloves while Steve and Bucky settled the live Evergreen tree into the prepared stand.

"It's too tall, daddy! Where will the angel sit?" Justice exclaimed in concern. Indeed, you could see the tallest branch was bent against the ceiling, hence her worries.

"I know, princess. I'll make it a little shorter for the angel, okay?" Steve answered her, still a little breathless from carrying the tree.

You leaned against the entryway and watched as the two men adjusted the tree to make sure it was standing tall and straight before the bearded blond turned, spotting you. His handsome face split into a bright smile as he closed the distance between you in three long strides.

"Hey, gorgeous," he greeted you, pressing his slightly chilled lips to yours as his arms looped around your waist. "Did you have a good rest?"

You nodded and beamed at him. "Yes, much better."

A flurry of brown curls then pranced to your side. "Mommy, did you see the tree? I helped find it in the forest!" Justice said excitedly, gripping her small arms around your middle.

"Yes, I saw it, it's so beautiful! Should we decorate it tonight?" you asked her, bending down to help unzip her coat.

"Yeah! And cookies?" she asked, practically bouncing in place.

"Yup. And cookies," you assured her. "Why don't you go hang your coat on the hook and put your boots in the closet, sweetie?"

"Okay," the little girl answered, skipping out of the room.

Steve pressed a kiss to your temple before slipping out of his own coat. His best friend and business partner crossed the room then, his boots clomping on the hardwood floors.

"Hey, Buck," you greeted him warmly.

"Hey, Y/N," he replied with a smile, pecking a kiss to your cheek.

"Looks like you found a good one. Everything go okay?"

"Yeah. It's a good thing we brought the second saw, though. Steve doesn't know his own strength sometimes," he shook his head, making you laugh. "Clint's still outside and I'll hitch a ride home with them. I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked as he opened the front door to leave.

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