First night at home with him

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It was 3:02am, Calvin had none stop been crying for an hour straight.

"Come on Calvin, mummy's here," you whispered to try and soothe the wailing baby in your arms. You were trying to settle him in the nursery because you didn't want to disturb jack whilst he was sleeping. But obviously it didn't work as he walked in to the nursery in just his boxers and sat down next to you.

"He's being fussy, he just want's some attention," He said through a smile as he brushed his finger over Calvin's cheek to try and soothe him which didn't work at all.

"I'll try and feed him again, maybe he is hungry" you said whilst unclipping your nursing bra and lifting up your shirt. He latched on and sucked a few times but then he unlatched but he wasn't crying which was a good sign.

You started to gentle rock him to try and settle him off to sleep and jack just chuckled to himself. He was fighting so hard to stay awake and so were you, as this was the third time in one night you'd been awake with him.

"Next time, I'll get up, let's put him back in his bassinet. You nodded and followed jack back into your bedroom and placed Calvin into his bassinet next to your bed and tucked him in.

"We love you little man" jack said as he kissed Calvin and you copied his actions and then just stood looking over the tiny human you had created.

"I can't believe we made him, i can't believe he is half of us" you whispered and looked at jack, he smiled widely and nodded without taking his eyes off his son.

"He's the definition of perfect, thankyou for giving me the gift of being a father," you kissed him.

"Thankyou also for blessing me with the gift of being a mother." You felt him grab your hand and pull it slightly.

"Get some sleep. I'll get up next time as it will probably only be a diaper change but if not I'll be sure to wake you up as I'll need to borrow a boob," you chuckled and rolled back into your bed.

Jack woke you an 1 hour later as he really did need a feed, that night you only got 3 hours sleep, but you wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Jack Johnson Baby SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now