Chapter 4

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You stared at the 50 feet tall building in silence. Reminding yourself why you were doing this.

This will probably begin a new shouldn't do this. You yelled at yourself, if this happens you'll be the reason why millions will die...

"I don't expect to wait long." You heard his voice through the duplicate Ember. "I wish to have this source of power before the resistance of yours arrives with intel of the girl."

You hissed placing the mask on fully, glaring at the hollow duplicate as you began to walk towards the building. I hate this. You thought to yourself slowing walking faster. Why am I doing this? Your brain slowly starting to thing as you were no longer walking but running. With a sudden jump you felt your body being pulled down by your weight, slipping off into the edge of madness.

I'm doing this to save a life

Your feet landed onto solid ground, you bolted towards the building the hollows following. You dashed closer and closer, the alarms blaring, the lights turning, everything was going into lock down. You felt your heart clenched as you used your grappling hook to lift yourself off the ground and into the air. You exhaled deeply as the mechanical figures began to grow bigger. Alright hollows lets see what you can do. You thought to yourself looking at them.

"Take care of these mechanics I'll deal with getting inside." You heard your voice distorting and tuned a different way that you were not use to. You looked at the robots before seeing a green streak cross it, slicing it in half. You backed away quickly before the debris hit you. What the hell was that?!? You panicked before seeing the hollow Sasori in front of you, green/purple crystals surrounding her as she stood starting blank. If it wasn't for her soft movements you'd mistake her as a statue.

"We just received conformation that three suspects have attacked Emir corporation." You heard Rouge through your radio. "It must be Infinite."

Your heart raced quickly, it won't take long for their reinforcements to arrive. You looked around seeing both flames and crystals being thrown to the security of Emirs. You grew confident that the hollow Sasori would hold them off. You put your direction towards the building racing time as you hurried to the doors. Please let it be to late please let it be to late. You pleaded silently. I don't want to do this anymore please let it be shut. You couldn't help but smile in relief seeing the doors were shut and locked with heavy gates. Thank you thank you thank you!

That is until you heard metal being crushed.

Your heart beats slowly as you looked over to your side, Ember crushing the metal alloy like it was a soda can. You heard the hollow growl before pulling the metal off, making a opening to go inside. What type of power is Ember and Sasori hiding. You thought to yourself as the hollow pulled you inside. Your heart sank to your stomach as the voices of the resistance echoed into your head. Why would Ember and Sasori hide this...why not tell the resistance about the capabilities they possess.

Sasori, a cat who shows timid and kindness. A person who you saw as a person who cares for people before herself. A monster that can summon explosive crystals that can harden and slice metal steel in instance. The one that shows no mercy to tose it attacks. Ember, a bird who couldn't lift up a cargo box without assistance. A bird that joked around and made people smile in bad times. A creature with the strength of an army able to run great lengths and trample walls like a stampede. You were in utter disbelief as to why they hid these abilities. Why would they hide this. What did they fear for telling?

"I knew these two shouldn't have been trusted." You heard the monotoned hedgehog say. "They held to much much for thinking they were rookies commander." Your heart stopped taking the realization.

"Shadow these may not be Sasori and Ember for all we know they might be someone else impersonating them like Infinite." You heard another voice say. "We still don't have a conformation who-"

"I've seen Infinite work have you forgotten Amy Rose." Shadow snapped into the earpiece. "He copies and replicates people to perfection. They are almost alike the original. do you think he could impersonate them while adding those abilities." He snapped at Amy with irritation. "These rookies hid a ability no one knew and this is what happens when they don't speak up." There was silence in the radios, no one spoke a word before a growl from Shadow was heard. "I want those two front and center when I arrive at base, I would like to speak a few words with them....Shadow out."

Your heart raced before bumping into hollow Ember, who pushed you to the ground as guns fired at the two of you. You couldn't help but the overwhelming feelings get to you. You curled up into a ball mix emotions spiraling I to a toxic concoction you couldn't get out.

"Your Resistance seem to be in a hassle because of two rookies." You heard his voice in your head as he cackled. "Two children who acted like they would cower in situations of simple missions....I find it quite hilarious." He continued with his speech your brain imagining how he floated to around you, circling as his hand fidgeted with a cube. "In reality they hold powers beyond the Phantom Ruby can establish well the one called Sasori." He chuckled. "Truth be told if this goes according to plan we may not need her hollow, manipulation can come in handy with dealing with the original, which reminds me..."

You gasped out, instead of being where you curled up, you were now in front of a huge electrical power source. The fur on your arms spiked up as the feeling of worry hit you. You didn't want to go through with this.

"All I need you to do now is open that power source to a unidentifiable connection." His voice echoed in your head. "Better yet allow me." He added in a tone that sent chills down your spine. Before you knew it your body tensed up, your muscles and and limbs becoming like stone as the pain overwhelmed your head. You couldn't scream or cry for help as your legs moved by themselves.

His sudden cackle ran into your head as you went towards the primary desktop.

It's over.

He's won.

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