Chapter Eight: Tension

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You watched as the resistance made Pandemic walk into a cell, holding Sasori who was still out cold. When Gabriel had announced that a traitor was among the group you panicked. You thought for sure they were going to call you out. Luckily Gabriel had pointed to Sasori, explaining Echo had already manipulated her mind and seen her memories. He also gave evidence of her actions while also stating that it was nearly impossible for Infinite to clone her perfectly without knowing everything about her. You watched as they closed the cell door Pandemic staring at everyone with hatred in his visors. You knew for a fact that he was angry, you also knew that a certain hedgehog was frustrated even more by figuring out that a close friend basically stabbed him in the back.

Well not initially, she was just the scapegoat. You were the true traitor.

You took a deep breath and shook your head. You couldn't dwell on it, you weren't sure how long Infinites mind shield would last and you didn't want to be near Echo to find out. You noticed that Sasori was waking up seeing the surprised look on her face when she noticed that she was in a cell. She realized what was going on and looked down with such sadness in her eyes. "I guess I'm the scapegoat again...typical..." She finally spoke before making her back face everyone. "Im not speaking until they arrive..." She added before Pandemic wrapped its arms around the small cat.

"Guess we have to find whoever she's talking about." Gabriel spoke before Sheeba tapped his shoulder. She gestured to keep quiet making him nod. "(Y/N) go to your room one of our recruits will be with you to explain our schedule, I hope you don't mind the schedule." Gabriel spoke to you in a warm manner.

"Yes sir." You replied softly before walking towards the dorms of HQ. It was weird that in just a two hours the ghost servants made the new dorms. It was the elites way of making sure everyone was safe. You yourself knew you couldn't be safe due to Infinite being in the same building as you. It still made you question why he was here. Surely he doesn't care that much. I'm technically a simple pawn for him. You talked to yourself as you entered the elevator hitting the 4th floor of the building. Before the doors closed someone stopped them from fully closing. You looked up to see who it was. Oh god why now.

One of the jackal brothers, Sebastian, held the door open before walking inside. "Sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean any harm." He spoke in a warm tone before looking at the floor you had pressed. "Seems we're going to the same floor." He smiled before giving you space in the elevator. There was silence making you get uncomfortable but your anger showed causing the jackal to let out a soft sigh. "I know it's hard, Shinigami seemed to be a good friend to everyone, but it can't be helped her actions speak louder than her friendships."

"Yeah whatever." You spoke coldly looking at the jackal. You looked the other way not wanting to continue the conversation. Before you could go into your head you heard him mumble something. "Excuse me do you have a problem?" You snapped at him.

"If you want a problem then yes." The jackal snapped back looking at you with the same attitude towards you. "Like Jesus I know your frustrated but that doesn't mean you have to pin it on me." He stated making you let out a growl. "What did I hit a nerve missy."

"Im really not in the mood In-." You were about to talk before the jackal hovered over you. You shut yourself real quick seeing the anger in his Heterochromia eyes. You weren't sure which to lock your eyes with. One was a golden yellow that shined like the sun. While the other was a blue sapphire. Both had Anger and sadness in them that kept you completely quiet. Before you could process what was going on he pulled away.

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