Chapter 2: New Opening?

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Author's note:

First of all I want to thank you guys for making it to the second chapter of Heart Strings! I appreciate every view that I get and I really encourage suggestions for making my story even more enjoyable! It's been a while since I've published anything on Wattpad and I could be a little rusty so please comment and if you do like what you're reading, please vote as well! Thank you!



All of the musicians were at the banquet after the concert, except Shane. Audience members had to pay more to come to the banquet, but most of the people who attended Demetri Andreadis's concerts were rich. Besides, who would pass up an opportunity to meet the members of the orchestra? They were one of the best touring orchestras of the country. There must have been at least two hundred people filling up the banquet hall. Butlers were serving champagne and people were chatting about the performance. The room was full of rich people in suits and gowns, sharing polite conversations. The orchestra dispersed and began talking to audience members, some whom they already knew, and others were making friends, thanking them for coming to the concert.

Hayden was thanking audience members and just as he snatched a glass of champagne off of a tray, his eyes met a confused Demetri's. The tall man strode over to his best viola player. "Have you seen Shane? Normally he's autographing in a seat somewhere. But I don't see any obnoxiously huge crowds or lines." Demetri had a line of concern above his thick brows. "Maybe we should go someplace quieter to talk." Hayden felt his mouth go dry as he spoke, so he sipped on his champagne. The other man's face went dark and his nostrils flared. "Don't appear faltered in front of our guests. Just follow me." The younger man led his boss to a back room. "If Chase riled him up again I swear I'll kick his ass," Demetri breathed through clenched teeth. "First of all, Chase didn't start it for once, and secondly, Shane is gone. He quit. Lenny tried to run after him but he was already gone with all of his stuff." Hayden looked cautiously into the other man's wild eyes. He could see sweat trudging down his forehead from his dark curls. "I'll call his agent and figure this out. You should have got to me sooner." Demetri shot a glare at Hayden, but he knew it wasn't personal. The composer looked as if he were going to punch through a wall. He was fighting every urge to swear profusely but he knew others at the banquet would hear. "You can return to the guests now," the tanned man grumbled.

Hayden stalked back into the crowd and immediately got dragged away by people making autograph requests. After he signed quite a few programs of the show, he talked to people and thanked them for coming as he was supposed to. After what had happened that night, he really just wanted to be back home in Tacoma, Washington with his sister and parents. The Demetri Andreadis Chamber Orchestra had been traveling on a two week tour around the United States and Hayden couldn't wait for it to be over. He loved the music and the people he worked with, but he didn't like just jumping from place to place almost every day. The country was beautiful when it wasn't taken over by industrialization and urban sprawl, and he wanted to stay and explore each place the orchestra visited. Hayden was lost in his thoughts, hazel eyes staring into space, when a man in his mid-twenties appeared in front of him with a small smile. "I apologize for disturbing you, Mr. Milo," the man said. His voice was soft toned and as smooth as silk. Hayden stood and smiled. "No need for that. I should apologize; I was just zoned out for a moment. I hope you liked the show, Mister..." "Coulter. Everett Coulter. It's a pleasure to meet you." The two men shook hands, "And I adored the show," Everett grinned. "I'm glad," Hayden spoke as he smiled back. "I know you hear this all the time," Same thing every time 'I know you hear this all the time but you're a magnificent viola player. How long have you played?' Hayden predicted the man's words in his head. "But you have a nice smile," he finished. Wait what? Those two words were all Hayden's mind could manage to put together. "Oh, uh thank you!" Hayden quickly replied after he noticed he hadn't said anything. He didn't know what was happening. He felt his cheeks redden and he knew he didn't feel enamored. At least that's what he told himself.

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