Chapter 10: You'll Get There

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A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to come out with the next part, but here it is, and there's more to come. I went back and made a few minor edits to previous parts as well. Enjoy!



Hayden woke up from a fond dream of the night before. He dressed and got ready for the rehearsal, but decided to check up on Chase before doing anything else. The guard that had been ordered to watch over Chase was still at the door. "Were there any complications?" Hayden asked with worry in his eyes. "None that I could tell from this side of the door," the man replied, looking exhausted. "You can go get rest now. Thank you so much." Hayden patted the man's shoulder with appreciation. "Anything to ensure the safety of a member of the orchestra," the guard humbly spoke before walking down the corridor. Hayden opened the door, remembering that he had left it unlocked the night before. He saw Chase sleeping in his bed, the same way he had left him. This brought a huge amount of stress off Hayden's chest.

               "Chase, wake up. Practice starts in fifteen minutes." Hayden shook his friend. "Hm?" The sleeping red head rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I'll be a little late. I'll be up in ten minutes," Chase said in a raspy morning voice. "Like Hell. Come on now, get up," Hayden said sternly. "Fine mother," Chase joked, dragging himself out of bed. "Can I at least shower?" Chase glared at his friend. "Fine, but hurry." "What's it to you if I'm late anyway?" Chase complained. "Because I'll hear about it from Demetri," Hayden whined. "Like Bloody Hell you will. Now leave unless you're looking to see me naked." Chase started to undress as he spoke. "Gross, go undress in the restroom!" Hayden said as he hurried out the room and shut the door. He could hear Chase laughing on the other side.

               He had caught a glimpse of his friend without a shirt and thought that he looked significantly thinner than he remembered. That was something Hayden kept in mind, but he was just glad that Chase seemed to feel better. Practice went well as usual, and Chase was late...also as usual, not that anyone really noticed besides Demetri since Chase practiced alone in his own segregated room. He refused to have the help of any private instructor, and to be fair, he really didn't need one.

During their break, Hayden grabbed Chase and brought him to get food from the dining hall. "What are you doing?" Chase said as they walked in. "We're getting lunch. We both missed breakfast," Hayden said as if he were stating the obvious...which he in fact was. "I'm not hungry." Chase planted his feet and crossed his arms like a child in a store who wouldn't leave unless they got their toy. "Oh, I'm sorry, I bet that half a bottle of Jack and God knows what other alcoholic beverages you consumed really filled you up last night," Hayden retorted, immediately regretting his words as they left his mouth. Chase turned and rushed away, a deep frown set on his face. "Wait, Chase I'm sorry!" He called apologetically. He hurried after his friend but he bumped into Everett as he turned the corner.

               "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Hayden said before realizing who he had bumped into. "It's no big deal. Just scared me a little," Everett laughed. "You look worried, are you okay?" He added. "Oh, yes I'm alright. I'm just running to get Chase. It's nothing really," Hayden said in a rushed tone. "I saw him pacing away. Sorry to interject. I'll catch up with you later." Everett gently laid his hand on Hayden's shoulder before the two walked past each other. "Yes, I'm sorry, I'll catch you after practice!" Hayden called behind him.

               Hayden looked around and didn't see his stubborn friend. He sighed and went to where the routine places would be to find him. He checked the bar before remembering that the bartender was not allowed to give Chase drinks anymore. He then went and checked Chase's quarters to no avail. Lastly, he thought to look for his friend in his private practice room. Chase was nowhere to be found, and that started to worry Hayden. He decided to go back to the dining hall to see if Everett was still there. He at least wanted to make some use of the rest of his break time, and he was starting to get hungry. He found Everett who was almost done eating. "Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" Hayden asked. "I mind dearly," Everett joked with a wink to accompany it. Hayden smiled and sat next to him. "Couldn't find him?" Everett asked. Hayden shrugged, "He'll show up. I just wish he would eat something." Hayden started to let his worries become vocal. He realized that he possibly shouldn't have exposed the information that Chase wasn't eating, for his privacy, and sighed. "I shouldn't have said that, but I'm starting to worry," Hayden admitted. Everett put an arm around Hayden, "Like you said Hayden, he'll show up," he tried to offer some words of comfort. "And don't you worry, I can keep a secret," he added, assuring that he understood it was private information.

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