Chapter 7: Glossy Keys

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The second and third rehearsals went a little smoother. Demetri split up all of the instruments and had them work with separate instructors in different rooms. He thought that it would be more effective to have the players learn their parts first, instead of trying to learn while meshing all of the instruments together. It's what he normally did for the first week, after the initial rehearsal together. Everyone was used to the drill except Everett, but he was adjusting nicely. It's a shame, Everett thought, that I can't see Hayden's beautiful, intent face while he plays that viola of his. His instructor, Mrs. Hendricks, noticed that the dark haired man's attention was off somewhere else. "Everett? I would appreciate if you used your focus on the instrument that you play so beautifully, rather than something else at the moment," she said politely. "Of course, ma'am. My apologies," Everett kindly stated back. He reluctantly wrenched his thoughts away from the hazel eyed embodiment of perfection and returned to his passion.

After the long rehearsal, the group had the rest of the evening to themselves. Friends gathered into their groups and tried to make plans, and others went straight to their quarters to catch up on sleep that they didn't get the night before. Hayden went looking for Chase, and secretly hoped he would bump into Everett along the way. He hadn't talked to Everett at all the day before, and felt oddly deprived. He opened the sound-proof door to Chase's own personal practice room for his piano and beautiful, breathtaking notes filled the corridor. No matter how much he heard Chase play, he would never get used to the feeling he got when the notes hit his ears. Chase's fingers danced across the black and white keys, and very gradually got more intense; almost violent. The dance turned into a fight. His fingers were beating the keys mercilessly, red curly hair draped over his face. The song that started off with solace and wonder, now held hostility and desperation. Every keystroke was a silent cry for help, a cry of pain and fear. Hayden didn't know what he was listening to anymore. He had never heard this come from his friend. Chase abruptly stopped playing once he realized there was someone in the room with him. Hayden's eyes were wide with horror and the room suddenly fell silent. Chase knew who it was without looking up, and without a word, he pushed past Hayden to leave the room, letting papers fly to the floor. The wide-eyed violist didn't know if he should try to stop his friend or if he should let him go. He decided too late, because Chase was already gone. Hayden walked up to the piano to inspect it and saw that the keys were wet with tears. He picked up the music sheets that had been sent astray around the instrument.

They had only been back for three days! Hayden had no idea what could have Chase so upset. Family problems? Can't be. Chase hates his parents and his parents hate him, so Chase wouldn't care if something happened to them, would he? Hayden didn't know what else could be wrong. Well the only way I'll find out is if I ask him. The brown haired man concluded. He hurried down the corridor to find his friend but he was nowhere in sight. Where would I be if I were Chase? Hayden thought. Then it dawned on him, Ah! Either getting a drink from the bar or in my quarters. Hayden rushed to the bar on the second floor and found Chase desperately trying to get out of Demetri's grasp to get to the confused-looking bartender. "Chase!" Hayden yelled. "Help me hold him down!" Demetri growled, struggling to keep the wild man in his arms. "Let me go!" Chase was yelling furiously. Hayden lunged himself at the panicked man and got him into a headlock, forcing him to the ground. "Let me go!" Chase was now begging, pleading. "Chase. Take a breath. Tell us what's going on," Demetri said, nearly breathless from the effort of keeping him sustained. Chase was muttering to himself, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. The usual deviant look in his eyes was replaced with sorrow and emotional agony. Hayden was becoming panicked himself, just watching his friend's facial expression. Other people heard the noise and came in to see what was going on, their face riddled with question and shock.

"Let me go," Chase continued to beg. Hayden got off of his friend and tried to help him up but Chase shoved his hands away and curled into a ball, hiding his face. Hayden saw Everett snake through the crowd to kneel beside the frantic man. "There's nothing for you in this bar that'll help you through whatever you're upset about." His words were almost a whisper. Chase didn't reply-didn't move. "Only other people and you can do that. But it looks like you've been relying too much on yourself. Now it's time to trust in your friend, Hayden." Everett's calm voice seemed to have an effect on Chase. He unfurled his body and wiped his eyes. "You don't fucking know me," He spat at Everett. "You're right. I don't. But Hayden does. Let him help you. I know he'll at least listen to you." The crowd was dead silent. "What if I don't want to talk?" Chase's voice became hostile. He rose and threatened the dark haired man. Everett slowly backed off. "You need to talk to someone, or else things like that happen," He said, referring to the half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's on the bar that Chase had so obviously chugged. Chase's expression suddenly became blank. He stood up straight, pushed his glasses up his nose and looked around the bar. "I hope we can all forget this happened." Chase's balled fists were shaking violently, but his face remained expressionless. He nodded in Everett's direction and walked past the crowd, heading toward his quarters.

Hayden was about to follow when Everett put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Give him a minute," he said. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" Everett asked. "I have no clue. Last month he blew up on Demetri and got very angry, but he's never done anything like this before. Those are the only two instances where he's been so out of character," Hayden explained. "Okay, well you have to take some deep breaths before going to talk to him. You have to be prepared to be his rock and his metaphorical punching bag. Do you have much experience with conflict?" Everett asked. Hayden shook his head, a little embarrassed at his inexperience. "It's okay, that's a good thing." Everett's voice held a slight pang of jealousy. "Have you?" Hayden asked. Everett looked away and his voice grew dark, "You have no idea." There was a slight pause. "Hey, I was thinking that maybe after you get things settled down with Chase, we could hang out again tonight. I want to make up for the other night." Everett's voice had a glitter of hope.

"I...I think I can do that," Hayden accepted, thankful to get the chance to hang out with him again, but remembering where they had left off...almost kissing. Hayden wasn't sure if he was ready for that, but he still felt a strong pull towards Everett's presence. "Okay. But please make sure he's okay before leaving him. And just text me if you have to cancel," Everett said. "Oh, but I don't have your number," Hayden said. "Well, that can be arranged." Everett looked into the other man's eyes for approval. Hayden pulled out his phone and Everett took it to put in his number, making sure to touch his hand. "Hey, good luck." Everett gave Hayden an encouraging smile." Thanks. I'm going to need it," Hayden replied, the worry evident in his voice.    


The next chapter is also about Chase. He's a very interesting character, but I will warn that there is triggering content in this next chapter so if you are sensitive to self-harm, please read with caution or feel free to even skip over this next part. As always, thanks for reading! Vote and comment :)  

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