Chapter 14: Morning

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Your pov:

I wake up to the sound of Golden-Oak chirping. I feel an arm around my waist tighten and someone nuzzling there face into my neck. Thats when I remember the events of last night. The troll in the dungeon and me making Draco stay with me. To keep him safe. And now he's lying in my bed. Cuddling into my back. I turn over and see Dracos face. He looks so peaceful. But his hair is flopping in every direction. It's quite the mess. I smile and look at the boy. Golden-oak chirps again but louder. Draco closes his eyes shut tight and groans in annoyance.
"Who's bird is so loud?" He asks as he slowly opens his eyes. We look into each other's eyes for a moment before Dracos face shows alarm and sits up suddenly.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up with him.
"It's just. I'm sorry." He says sheepishly.
"Sorry? For what?" I ask confused.
"For uhhh. Ummm. Holding you. In that way. Ahhhh. Without asking and. Ummm. Knowing your okay. Ah. With it." He stammers out like a dork.
"Draco it's fine. After all. I was the one who made you stay." I blush and look away before looking up to see a blushing Draco. I look into his eyes. How can he do this. Everytime I look into those eyes I feel like I'm caught in a trance. There so. Gray. But also have a soft blue through them. I wake from my trance enough to see Draco leaning in a little bit. I start to lean in too. We r slowly getting closer. I feel my face start to heat up and my throat catches a little as Draco and i are only inches apart. I close my eyes as I lean in and feel our lips graze each other's. Suddenly the door slams open and I hear someone scream.
"Oh. My. Goodness!!!"
I turn my head to see my study buddy Hermione Granger. Her mouth is falling open and she has a cheeky glint in her eyes. Draco and I quickly move away from each other.
"Hey ahhh. Hermione. What are you doing here?" I ask trying to ignore the awkward situation.
"I need your help with something. But. You seem preoccupied. I'll just. Wait outside." She says turning to close the door.
"Oh no you don't." I say getting up and grabbing her arm and pulling her into the room, closing the door behind her.
"Draco. Go into the wardrobe and get changed into your rodes please." I say looking at him with gilt in my eyes. He simply nods and walks into the closet. Closing the door behind him.
"Okay. What was that?" Hermione asks.
"I'm. Not sure." I say hanging my head a little.
"What I am sure about is that you can not tell anyone. Got it?" I say looking into her eyes pleading that's she won't tell a soul.
"Fine. But honestly why him? He's a prick. And a git." She says matter of factly.
"No. He's really not. Not if you take the time to know him. He's really sweet. And his family are lovely. At least to me." I say smiling.
"Okay. I trust you. But if you can't handle it on your own. Please talk to me." She says holding my hand. I nod.
Draco then walks out of the wardrobe in his uniform. I smile at him.
"You'll need to get out unnoticed. But that shouldnt be hard. Just keep your head low. Okay?" I say walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yup. I'll try. " He says wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into my neck.
"Okay. I'll see you next week. Normal time." I whisper in his ear not wanting Hermione to hear.
"Absolutely." He whispers pulling away before kissing me on the cheek. He smirks at me before walking out my bedroom door. I turn around and look at Hermione. I feel my cheeks burning. I must be as red as a tomato.
"Well. That's exciting. Now come on. Harry, Ron and I have something important to tell you. Come on." She says grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door. Closing it behind us.

"Hold up. You fought a troll?" I ask as I sit in the Gryffindor common room with the golden trio.
"Yes. And we think snape put it there to distract the teachers while he goes into the trap door." Harry explains.
"And the trap door is under a three headed dog on the 3rd floor." I ask slightly scared and confused.
"Look (y/n). I know it's a lot. But u have to believe us. Snape was saying jinxes at the quittage match. That's why harrys broom was flying everywhere." Ron says putting his hand over mine in a means of comfort. Hermione seems to get a confused look on her face as she looks at our hands.
"I just. Why? He's so nice. And-"
"Wait. You think SNAPE is Nice?!" Ron asks concerned.
"Yes." I simply state.
Ron put his hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling alright? Do we need to take u to the hospital wing?" He asks as I slap his hand away. Harmione and Harry exchange weird looks, probably about how we're acting. Again, no one knows we're siblings.
"No. I'm serious. He's nice." I say looking at them weirdly.
"He's an ass. He wouldn't even let me write down the information he was telling us." Harry said annoyed.
"And He's supper bias to slytherin. He even takes points of Gryffindor for Hermione doing stuff correctly. It's like he gives all the house points to slytherin and none to any others." Ron finishes.
"Well. He helps me out when I mess up and gives hufflepuff points, even when I made my cauldron explode." I say look at the three of them.
"What did u do to get on his good side?" Ron asks. Hermione gives me a semi knowing look. But I don't think its bc of Draco. I think it's my heritage.
"I don't know. But what is your plan about this trap door nonsense?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"We need to know what's in there and get it before anyone else does." Harry says quickly.
"But we need to figure out how to get past filch. And his cat." Ron says looking down.
"That's easy. I'll find miss Norris and she'll lead me to filch who I can have a nice chat with while you do what u need to." I state again.
"Don't tell me ur on his good side too." Ron says rubbing his temples
"He said my mother was a dear friend of his. And he wants to repay her by being nice and taking care of me." I say looking at him.
"He's not like that to any of us tho." Ron says looking dumb.
"My birth parents Ronald. Don't be so thick." I say looking at him like the idiot he is.
"Wait. What do u mean 'any of us?'" Harry says looking from Ron and back to me.
"He means nothing okay? And you ask another question and I swear that won't be the only scare you have." I say looking at harry with fire in my eyes. He gulps loudly. Clearly afraid.
"Okay. I have got to go. I'll see u all later. Have fun figuring out whatever's through that trap door." I say getting up and leaving to go back to my dorm before heading to lunch.

A/N- thanks for reading. Sorry it took ages. But I was kinda stuck and I wanted to get it perfect. Imma warn u now. Draco and (Y/N) won't get together for a while. Just for the sake of the story. I'm sorry. But please stick around I have great things planned. Please comment ideas or thoughts or if u want more. And vote if you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading! By💕

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