Chapter 6: Meeting the Malfoys.

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"Don't be scared. Just be yourself. My father isn't home yet and my mother is fine. Okay?" He asks looking into my eyes with a confident look.
"Okay." I say smiling back at him. He gives me a kind smile before leading me into the room.

Draco opens the door as I walk in behind him.
"Mother I'm home." Draco calls out.
After a few seconds of standing next to Draco admiring my surroundings, a beautiful lady in black walks down the stairs. She smiles at us as she walks towards us.
"Hello my dear. I'm Narssisa Malfoy. You can call me Narssisa." She says extending a hand which I gladly shake.
"Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N) South-Star." I say smiling.
"Oh I know. Draco hasn't stopped talking about you since he met you." She says with a small smile as she lets out a slight chuckle. I smile back.
"Draco. Did you get the supplies?" Narssisa asks turning to Draco.
"Yes I did." He says pulling out a small sack that looks to be full with glass bottles. He hands it over to Narssisa.
"Thank you dear." She says taking the bag.
"Well. It was nice meeting you (Y/N). I'd hate to keep you two from having fun." She says smiling at us warmly again before walking off back up the stairs.
Draco takes my hand and leads me off in another direction. Along a corridor, up some stairs, along another corridor before stopping in front of a door.
"Welcome. To my room." He says opening the door. I step inside to see a room as big as the burrows main living room, if not bigger. There is a big double bed in the middle of the room. To the far side there is a window with a desk under it. On a stand much like mine sits a gorgeous black and white barn owl. It has big eyes and a thin face. And looks very well groomed. There's quittage posters on the wall and a broomsticks on stands. There is also a chest of draws and a small book shelf.
"Do you like it?" Draco asks.
"Are you kidding!? This place is amazing. It's so huge! I love it" I say turning to see Draco with a wide grin on his face. We walk in and sit down on his bed. (Opposite ends. I'm leaning against the headboard and wall, Draco is leaning against the backboard.)
After a while if normal small talk. We start talking about Hogwarts.
"So what house do you think you will be in? I know you have said that you don't know but surly you must have some idea." Draco says sweetly.
(Draco knows I don't live with my birth family but he doesn't know what family I live with.)
"Well. All of my family are in gryffindor but. I don't think that's me. Some of my family think I'm going to be a ravenclaw with all the books I read but, I read the books because I can't go out and do the things myself. No yet anyway. Slytherin isn't me either. No offence of course, it's just not me. Though I can get rather witty and sassy when angry. Hufflepuff doesn't seem to bad but again I'm not to great with plants. So. Ya. I just don't know." I say honestly. Draco thinks for a second before saying. "I don't care what house you end up in. I promise I will still be your friend."
"Really? That's so nice. Thank you." I say smiling at him, and he returns the smile.
"So what was that thing the old guy at the potions shop gave you?" Draco says.
"Let's take a look shall we?" I say pulling my satchel onto my lap. And pulling out the gold case.
"Now supposedly it's supposed to be a unicorn horn but I haven't see it yet." I say looking at the case. I find the small lock/clasp keeping it closed. I try to open it but I doesn't budge.
"What's wrong?" Draco asks.
"It's not opening." I say. "Hold on. I've been practicing this. Hope it works." I say pulling out my wand. I point it at the lock clasp thing.
"Alohomora" I say as a tiny light zaps into the lock. I hear a click, place down my wand and open the case to see a beautiful white purplely pinky iridescent unicorn horn.
"Wow." I say looking at the horn before handing it to Draco (it's still in it's case. I don't want to break it).
Draco takes the case and looks in at the unicorn horn.
"I wonder how he got it" Draco says.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Like did he kill a unicorn to get it? Or found a dead one? Or maybe he bought it off someone else." Draco says looking up at me and handing the horn back.
"Well I hope he either got it off a dead one or bought it. Slaying a unicorn is such a horrible thought." I say closing the case and putting it and my wand back in my bag and on the ground again.
We talk about life in general for a few more minutes before hearing a knock at the door.
"Come in." Draco calls out. The door opens to revival the amazing Narssisa at the door.
"I hope you two are having fun. Draco your father is home and I think he would like to meet (Y/N)." Narssisa said with a kind smile.
"Oh. Okay. Ya we will be down in a minute." Draco says with a small smile.
Narssisa nods before walking out and closing the door behind her.
"(Y/N) I would like to warn you that my father can be rough. Give him a moment okay? Be careful, he can make very snapy decisions about people." Draco said very quickly and sounding very worried.
" it's okay Draco. I'll be fine. Okay?" I say putting my hands on his shoulders and looking him in the eyes.
"Okay." He said giving me a small smile. He takes my hand and leads me back down to the lounge (which btw is bigger then the whole burrow. In fact the burrow could probably fit in there.)

Draco knocks on the door. A gruff stern voice from inside says "come in." Draco slowly opens the door and hides me behind him as we walk in.
"Hello father." Draco says standing up straight.
"Draco. Is your friend here?" His father asks in a very rough and intimidating voice. Draco nods before moving me out from behind him. Now I am actually able to see this mans face. He's very tall with long slicked back white hair kinda like Dracos. He wears long black and green ribs and has very icy cold gray eyes, also like Dracos, but his are more forceful like they have seen some stuff. where's Dracos are softer. Dracos father starts slowly walking towards me with a very tight look on his face. He looms over me as I stand my ground not wanting to show how deathly scared I really am. After standing over me for what feels like forever he finally speaks.
"Tell me. What is your name?" He says still with a rough tone to his voice. But he almost sounds like he's trying to give me a chance.
"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) South-star. Pleasure to meet you sir." I say extending a hand out to him.
He looks at me. Up at my face then back down at my hand and then back to my face. He looks almost as though he was going to explode. But then he did the craziest thing.
He took my hand, gave me a smirk, nodded his head before saying. "Believe me the pleasure is mine. I'm Lucius Malfoy. But you can call me Lucius." He gives my hand a firm shake before letting go and walking back to the couch and sitting next to Narssisa, who is smiling at me.
"Well don't just stand there. Come join us." Lucius says gesturing to the couch. I look over at Draco who gives me a confused look before smiling and walking over to the couch with me. We sit down on the opposite couch to Dracos parents.
"So. Tell me. Are you planning on staying for dinner?" Lucius asks me.
"I would love too if I can." I say smiling at them all.
"We would love you to stay. But would you need to ask your parents?" Narssisa says kindly.
"Not really. As long as I'm home before mid-night my family is very trusting in me." I say nodding slightly and smiling.
"It's settled then. You will stay for dinner." Narssisa says happily. "I'll just go inform the house elves that they're cooking for four tonight." She says before standing up and walking away.
"So. (Y/N). I'm guessing your going to Hogwarts for your first year next week?" Lucius says to me. He's still firm but doesn't seem cruel or angry. "Yes I am." I say proudly.
"Good. Have you got all your supplies?" He asks. I smile and nod.
"You are well prepared then? Because if there is anything you need or want you can always ask us." He says with a slightly creepy evil smirk. But I think that's the closest thing to a smile I'll ever get.
"I'm good thank you." I say smiling again. I look over at Draco who has be sitting silently this whole time. He looks back at me giving me a quick smile before looking back at his father.
"Dinner is ready in the dining room." Narssisa says walking back into the room. Lucius stands up and walks out the door.
"We will be there in a second okay mother?" Draco says and asks at the same time. Narssisa smiles and nods before following Dracos father out.
Draco turns to me and smiles. "Honestly that went 100x better then I thought it would." He says letting out a long held in breath.
"I told you I would be fine." I say smiling.
"I swear it's your smile." Draco says rolling his eyes and looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Your smiles just so hard to.....refuse. I don't know. Let's just go." He says taking my hand and leading me out the door as we make our way to dinner.

A/N- wow. what's this? another long chapter. This is crazy and not very like me at all. So try not to get used to it. So ya thanks for reading and @TorreTheFangirl for voting on every chapter. Your amazing and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside so thank you!!! Keep voting bc it lets me know that you want to read more of this story so ya. Thanks a sheet tone. Bye!!!

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