Chapter 22: The Stone

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Tonight's the night we get the philosopher's stone. We quietly walk to the room with Fluffy without a problem before sneaking in as carefully as possible.

"Look. Snape must already be here." Harry says pointing to the Harp playing in the corner. i roll my eyes. I'm still not convinced it's Snape. However there is something fishy going on with this damn stone. We move the giant dogs paw aside and open up the hatch. As we look down there appears to be no bottom.

"Guys. do you hear that?" Hermione asks in a whisper.

"Hear what?" Ron asks. There's no sound, i have no ide- wait. There's no sound. A blob of slobber lands on Ron's shoulder and i Immediately start to sing.

"Sometimes i feel i've got to. Run away i've got to, get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me-" i start to sing a muggle song called Tainted Love that i heard on a vinyl? That Dad got from work. As i sing Fluffy starts to put his heads back down and fall asleep.

"The love we share seems to, go nowhere. And i've lost my light for i toss and turn i can't sleep at night-" i give the others a firm look for them to hop into the whole as i keep singing to the dog. "Once i ran to you, now i run from you. This tainted love you've given. I give you all a boy could give you. Take my tears and that's not nearly all!" i sing the last part as i jump in the hole. I land in a tangle of black plants. I look around frantic. I can't seem to spot Hermione.

"Don't move. You can come through if you stay still. Just relax" She yells from what sounds like beneath us? I do as she says and completely relax. Only to find myself being absorbed through the vines and out the other side, landing on my bum. Soon followed by Harry. But Rons still struggling. After thinking something through Hermione casts a spell making her wands tip light up. The weird plant (which Hermione called Devil's Snare) cowers in fear of the light and Ron lands with a thud. He stands up and gives me a hug.

"You all good?" i ask pulling away with a laugh.

"Ya. i wasn't scared." He says gaining his composure. I roll my eyes as we all laugh. Then we walk through a pair of big brown doors.

We enter the next room and i look around at all the flappy keys with wings. There's also a broom.

"I'm guessing the door needs a key?" i ask looking at the big brown doors. Ron walks up and tries to open it with no use. He just looks at me and nods.

"Well Harry. You're the youngest seeker ever. I'm sure you can get the key." Ron says hopefully.

"Ya but which key is it?" Harry asks looking around the room.

"We judging by the door, it's probably the oldest one." Hermione answers.

"Like that rusty one with the broken wing." i say blatantly pointing at the half dead key. Everyone just nods.

"This is too easy." Harry says as he mounts the broom. And just as he does so all the keys start to attack him. He flies into the air and chases the broken key. Not before long he has it in his hands. He quickly gets down and we leave the room and somehow avoided death via flying keys.

We enter the next room and look around. We walk forward and see that in front of us is a giant chess board. We also notice a door over the whites side. We try and walk straight to it but are blocked by the white pawns.

"Looks like we have to play our way across the room." Ron says.

"Yup." i say popping the 'P'.

"Ron. You're the best wizard chess player here." Harry says as we all turn to Ron. He makes us take our places. Harry is a bishop, Hermione is the Queen's side castle and Ron's a knight. As for me, Rons forced me to be with the king. Figuring we win i shouldn't get hurt. The king picks me up and places me to sit on his shoulder. What a lad.

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