Chapter 22

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Next thing I know I am amongst Brandon.
Let's go back to last afternoon. When I found out Brandon was thrown in prison I flipped out. I went crazy.
"Honey calm down he is going to be okay." Says my mom.
"No he won't, he-he is going to go crazy" I say freaking out more.
And then I ran. I ran into the street and someone almost hit me with their car. They hit the lamp post instead.
"Sorry." I scream. I run to the park. Then I see someone, a mom with a kid near the water. I start walking towards them with the intention of pushing them off and someone gets in my way.
"Hi I didn't expect to see you here." Says Helen.
"Yeah, me neither." I say.
"Where's your boyfriend?" She asks.
"Prison." I say casually.
"What? Omg, sweetie come with me you look dead, let's fix you up." She says.
"No thanks" I walk the opposite way.
"Come on, don't reject my love." She says pulling me to her car.
"Okay fine." I get out of her hands and walk towards her car myself. We get to her car and she takes me to her house. She takes out her makeup kit.
"This will make u look undead." she says.
"Haha" I say. She gets her makeup and she starts on my face. When she is done I look in the mirror and I think wow, I look like a clown.
"Next, shopping." She says excitedly.
"Okay." I say faking excitement. Ugh I want to kill her. Don't kill her Emily.
*Phone rings*
(Helen puts in on speaker)
"Hey babe, what are you up to today?" Asks Rob.
"You remember Emily? Well she looked a bit dead and her boyfriend got thrown into prison, so I thought a shopping spree with your credit card would help." she says.
"Oh um don't go overboard I dont have that much money in there." he says.
"Okay." She says and hangs up.
*End Of Call*
She tells me to get in the car and I get in the car. We reach the mall and we first go to agaci. We see some beautiful shirts and she gives me some to try on.
"Model them for me." She says. I go into the dressing room and try on the first shirt. It Looked terrible on me so I didn't even show her. I went on to the next shirt. This one I liked how it looked so I showed Helen.
"Ooh pretty" she says. I go back into the dressing room take it off and check the price. It says $100. I thought what? Are you crazy? I'm not letting her pay this.
"Helen come here." I say and call her into the dressing room.
"Yes?" Asks Helen.
"This dress is $100. I am not going to let you buy this so you want to be bad girls and shop lift?" I ask with a smirk in my face.
"Sure." She says. We get out of the living room and I put the shirt in my purse. I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't as beautiful as it is now. It had gold linen all around the shirt and it was black. It was beautiful. We walk out of the store and then we hear "Hey Hey. you didn't pay for that shirt."
"Run Helen run." I say and start running we run to the car and to our surprise there is a police officer there.
"Hey girls, may I check your bag?" They say.
"Sure." I say. I sneakily take the shirt out and hide it behind my back they don't notice. They give me back my purse and I put it back inside.
"Hey I saw that." They say to me.
"Turn around, you are under arrest for shoplifting."

And that my friends, is how I ended up amongst Brandon.

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