part five.

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              School sucks

School was the same as Max remembered, and he hated it as equally as he had hated his old school. Everything from the kids to the teachers to the homework was something he loathed, and only the presence of his two friends, plus recess, made it bearable.

     The morning passed quickly, none of it leaving much of an impression on Max. During lunch he found out what the smell from earlier had been; David had made cookies and packed a few in his lunchbox. A small smile appeared on Max's face, and he made a mental note to thank David later, when he got home. 'That reminds me...' he thought suddenly, the thought of David bringing up another point. 'I haven't told Nikki or Neil about David yet.' He munched on the cookies as he thought about how he would do that, unwilling to share the delicious treats with anyone else.

     After lunch was recess, which was almost like camp. It was loud, and there were tons of kids running around and screaming. Max sat on one of the swings, and Neil joined him shortly, the both of them wanting nothing to do with the masses, albeit for different reasons. Neil pulled out a book titled 'Birds; An Evolutionary Process' and started reading it, while Max just tried to tune out the loudness of recess.

     He spotted Nikki after a few minutes, she was playing kickball with a group of kids that Max didn't know. "Hey, Neil, who's Nikki playing with?" Max asked, turning to look at the nerdy boy next to him. Neil looked up from his book and peered in the direction Max had been looking, then turned back to the 10 year old. "Those are the jocks, they always get picked first for gym, and they always play some kind of sport. Nikki just goes along with that crowd because girls her age don't like playing sports and getting dirty like she does." He returned to his book after explaining, leaving Max to wonder what it was like playing with the jocks like Nikki did.

     Recess ended shortly soon after, and Max reluctantly trudged off to his next class. The rest of the day was rather boring, filled with normal first day of school lectures and introductions to both students and teachers alike. Max had five different periods; reading, math, science, geography, and whatever elective he was slotted in for that day. Monday was art class.

     'The teacher is nice enough, I guess' Max thought as he sat down and got out his art supplies. She was a tall woman, almost as tall as David, and had brown hair and blue eyes. "Alright class, settle down!" she chirped cheerfully as the bell rang to start class. "For your first project, I would like all of you to draw what you did this past summer. Feel free to express yourself though any paper medium!" Max kept stealing glances at the others around him as he thought of a good thig to draw. A lot of kids drew themselves in swimming pools, or at the beach, or skiing down mountains. Eventually Max decided to draw camp, and proceeded to draw Neil, Nikki, himself, and even David in front of the Camp Campbell sign.

He didn't let anyone see it until class was over, when he hurriedly turned it in. 'Hopefully David will never see that...' Max thought to himself as he walked out of the classroom.


     At the end of the day Max dragged himself to David's classroom so he could go home. "David, can we go yet?" Max said irritably as he walked in the class. He was tired, and wanted nothing more than to go back to David's house and take a nap. "Max!" David smiled as he saw the boy walk in. "How was your first day at school?"

     "It was fine." Max replied shortly. "Thanks for the cookies by the way." he added, leaning against the doorframe of the classroom as he watched David pack up his stuff. The man paused, a wide grin growing on his face. “You’re very welcome, Max. I’m glad you enjoyed them.” A few more minutes of silence passed as David finished gathering things, then it was broken as David slung his bag over his shoulder and started walking out toward his car, Max following behind him.

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