0.6 - nothing 2 u .

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sarah pov.

"what happened ashton?" i asked laying a gentle hand on his bruised cheek. he looked horrendous bruises scattered his face and torso.

"it's okay baby, i deserved it. i said i wouldn't hurt you and i did." i chuckled at his words we were both a beaten couple. not for long though because i had finally 'come to my senses.' as jasmine put it and i've decided to leave ashton. ashton my boyfriend would now be ashton my ex-boyfriend which is something i've never imagined in the three years we have been together. something i would never even think to think of.

"ash, i-i know you didn't mean it." i told him. i know i have to break up worth him and jasmine will probably kill me if i don't but i can't find my voice todo so.

"i'm really sorry baby, you know i am. i just dont think i could ever apologise enough." he muttered hugging me.

i couldn't stop thinking what if he hurts me because i'm breaking up with him. ashton my ex-boyfriend doesn't sound right. "i think we need a break." i blurted causing ashton to quickly rip away from our hug we shared. it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest and i could finally breathe again. it's like i was free of those terrible words that haunted me.

"what do you mean break? sarah you're my girlfriend." he told me, lowering his voice.

"i think we should take some time apart. we shouldn't date anymore, i don't know! maybe we will end up together again but for now i need some time off." i told him backing up slightly afraid of what he was capable of. he pushed dishes over on to the floor shattering over half of them and i jumped in fright of the angry man.

"you fucking bitch! i trusted you with my heart! you're just going to throw away everything we have? throw away those three years? i love you so fucking much sarah!" he cried tears formed in his eyes. but all i could think about is how i never have to feel his fists on my body ever again. how i never have to endure the punishment he has been giving me the past year.

of course i felt bad i have loved this man for years and for those years he has been my everything, but for now all i needed was to get out of this bloody house.

"i love you sarah."

i left the house and felt the cool fall wind hit me in the face.

lukes car was waiting for me and i left tears go down my face. i just hurt the man i would never dream of hurting.

my curly hair boyfriend.

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