Two: Why?

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Wes pulled on his gloves as he looked over the barbed wire fence. He sighed as he looked over that mangled mess that was supposedly a "fix". Wes began unmangling the wire as Laura walked out towards him with a tin cup and bucket of water. Laura smiled slightly and said," Caleb really did a number on that fence didn't he?" Wes just nodded as he continued unmangle the wires. Laura dipped the cup into the water and handed it to him. Wes muttered a 'thank you' as he took the cup and began guzzling down the water. Laura looked at the fence and said," I'm sorry for prying last night. Your past is none of my business." Wes finished the water and leaned up againt a near by post. Wes nodded and said," It's alright. I'll tell ya when the times right, Ms. Laura. Thank you for the water ma'am." Laura gave a small smile and set bucket by the fence. Laura pressed her hands to her back trying to support her much larger belly. Laura groaned and said," We are going to the neighbors for dinner tonight. They always have a big party before everyone gets snowed in for the winter. I hope you'll join us?" Wes dropped the cup into the bucket as he thought over the question. He put his attention on the the wire and said," Are you in any condition to ride in a wagon?" Laura just shrugged and giggled slightly as Wes shook his head. Laura gave him a wide smile and said," We leave at five."

Wes stood by the wagon with Caleb both bored out their minds as they waited for Laura. Wes kicked the dirt and whispered," What's taking so long?" Caleb just shrugged as he played with his pocket knife. Laura opened the door and began muttering apologies. She had changed into a beautiful blue dress that was tight around her growing belly and a wool shaul covering her shoulders. She sighed and said," Hardly anything would fit. Had to dig this out from under the bed." Caleb smiled and climbed into the wagon, holding back a sarcastic comment. Wes slipped of his hat and smiled at Laura. He took the large basket from her hands and said," Well you look lovely Ms. Laura." Laura blushed slightly as he helped her up into the wagon.

Laura cradled her belly as she watched Wes and Caleb play a game of horse shoes, Wes teaching more than playing. Her neighbor, Haylee Johnson, came and sat beside her. Haylee smirked and said," He seems real friendly." Laura laughed and rolled her eyes. Laura stretched her back and said," He has been friendly. He's good to Caleb and he's helping around the farm, That's all I can ask for." Haylee nodded as she saw how uncomfortable Laura was. He gave her a small smile and said," Come on! A walk will do ya' good." Haylee pulled her up and locked their arms together. Haylee began to lead her down a small path as she said," I know you've delivered a baby once before but I was there and it was spring. You will be giving birth in the middle of winter with two men." Laura rolled her eyes as she rubbed her aching back. She stretched her back slightly and said," I'll be fine. Like you said, I've done this before. If something goes wrong I'll have Wes ride out for you." Haylee just nodded as they continued to walk. Laura groaned as she said," Maybe that wagon ride wasn't the best idea. My back is killing me." Haylee led Laura to a near by log and helped her sit down. She palpated her lower back and said," Here? And does it travel to your stomach?" Laura just nodded as Haylee palpated her lower stomach. Haylee let out a sigh of relief as she said," Well the baby's not coming but you did over do it with that wagon. Stay here and I'm going to get Wes." Laura just nodded again as Haylee ran off. Laura looked down at her belly and said," Causin' trouble just like your father."

Haylee and Wes quickly made their way to Laura. Wes scoffed and said," I knew this was a bad idea. Now, how are we supposed to get home when the wagon was the problem in the first place?!" Haylee giggled as she practically ran to keep up Wes' quick steps. She smiled and said," Well you'll have to walk home. The walking will help soothe out the cramps but she'll need absolute bed for the next few days." Wes just nodded as he spotted Laura calmly sitting on a nearby log. He walked to her and said," Let's get ya' home Ms. Laura." He helped her up and began to walk home.

Laura sat by the fire in the living room holdong her belly as her child kicked at her ribs. She winced slightly and shifted on the seat. Caleb brought a blanket from her bedroom and began covering his mother up. Wes stood at the stove, heating up some beef stew. Caleb stared at her belly, watching the baby kick and stretch the skin. Laura gently took hid hand laid it on the top of her belly. The baby gave his hand a swift kick causing Caleb to giggle. Wes turned towards the mother and son, it was a picture perfect scene. He always had the desire to marry and have children. Read a book to them by the fire every evening before he'd go to bed with his beautiful wife, but life had different plans for him. He was brought out his thoughts, to find Caleb in front of him. Caleb looked up at him worriedly and whispered," Is Mama and the baby gonna be okay?" Wes bent down and looked the little boy in his eyes. He put a hand on Caleb's shoulder and said," They'll be fine, buddy. She's just gotta relax for the next few days." Caleb just nodded before he went back to his mother. Laura sat quietly in the chair, as she knitted. Wes saw how she was at peace knitting and sewing. He knew exactly how he was gonna keep her busy but well rested the next few days.

The next morning Wes was awake and stoking the fire as Laura's bedroom door opened. She smiled at him as she made her way her chair. She began awkwardly sitting down as she said,"Morning. How'd you sleep?" Wes threw a few kindlings into the fire before he shrugged. As he stood he stretched making his back crack and pop. He groaned slightly as he said,"Pretty good. But I learned your son talks in his sleep. He kept asking if a girl, Mary, could come play." He watched as Lauren's features saddened and darkened and immediately regretted saying anything. He put a hand a on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. What he didn't expect was her wrap her hand around it. She sniffled slightly and said," Mary was his twin sister. She got sick when they were seven. She got Pneumonia and they tried everything but she never got any better. Caleb asked everyday if she could come play, he just didn't understand why she couldn't get any better." Wes squeezed her shoulder as wiped at the tears on her cheeks. He took out his hankerchief and moved his hand from her shoulder. He sqatted on front of her and gently wiped her cheeks. No one had done this for her. Not even her husband. She couldn't help herself as she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him in for a hug. He was stunned for a few moments before he awkwardly wrapped his arms around her. She pulled away and said,"I'm sorry. No one's done that for me before. Thank you, Weston." He just nodded and smiled at her. He never liked anyone calling him Weston, he never thought the suited him. But he couldn't but smile when she said it.

Wes and Caleb looked over the finished barbed wire fence, proud of their work. Caleb bit his lip and said," Mr. Wes, can I ask a funny question?" Wes just nodded and waited for the boy to continue. Caleb pursed his lips as he said," Where do babies come from? Mom says they come from God but there's got to be more to it than that." Wes' eyes bugged out of his head at the sudden question. Wes tried to think of a non-graphic way to explain this to the kid. One, because he had no place to and two, he didn't know if could actually explain it. Wes got down on knee in front of him and said," Well, the way my mama explained to was when two people love eachother God will give them a baby." Caleb nodded as he looked at his feet. He looked at Wes with tears in his eyes and said," If my Pa loved Mama so much they got a baby, why did he leave us?" Wes pulled the boy into his arms as sobs broke from his chest. Wes rubbed his back as he tried to calm him down. Wes kissed the boys temple as he said," I don't know, buddy. But everything going to be okay. Trust me it gets easier but you're the man now, you gotta take care of your mama." He felt Caleb noddded into Wes' chest before pulling away and wiping his eyes.

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