Six : Irish Twins

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Wes woke up from another nightmare in the early morning hours. He reached across the bed to find the bed empty and Laura's side of the bed cold. Wes pulled on his long john pants before walking out into the living room. He smiled as found Laura gently rocking four month old Matt back to sleep. Wes slowly walked over and sat in the chair across from her. Laura sleepily smiled at him as she said," You're up early." Wes nodded and looked into the fire. Laura frowned slightly and said," Another nightmare?" Wes tensed up slightly as he slowly nodded. He knew he couldn't hide it from her much longer. Wes fidgeted with his hands and said," Tonya. Almost every night in my dreams I see her bloodied and beaten. You'd think after twenty years It would leave my mind." Laura smiled at as she slowly stood. She carefully placed Matt in his crib before standing infront of Wes. She sat in his lap before she slowly kissed him. The kiss was soft yet passionate. Laura pulled away and said," I don't know if the nightmares will ever go away but I'll alway be the rock you need and you'll always be mine." Wes brought her in for another kiss before carrying her to the bedroom.

Wes quit pumping the well's lever as he heard galloping coming up behind him. He turned find a single rider up on black horse and another horse galloping close behind him carrying a heavy load. Wes puffed out his chest as he stood his ground. Wes watched as he slowly stopped a few meters away and took of his cowboy hat. A weathered old cowboy gave him a small smile as he said," I'm looking for Laura Mann. A few of the town folks said she lived here." Wes frowned as he looked past the cowboy at the second horse. The heavy load became quite clear that it was dead body. Wes sighed and said," Is that John Mann?" The cowboy gave him a slight nod as he dismounted. Wes watched out the corner of his eye as Laura came out with a shawl wrapped tightly around her shoulders. Wes quickly went to her and said," Laura, It's probably best you went inside." Laura gave him a odd as she looked past him to the stranger and his horses. One of them she recognized. Laura's lip quivered lightly as she said," That's John's horse, Rocky. Is that him? Is he.. Is he-" Wes wrapped an arm around her waist as she about fell to ground. Wes kissed her temple as he said," I'm sorry Laura." Laura just shook her head as she pulled away from him and walked towards John's old horse. The cowboy went to stop her but she quickly stopped him with a wave of her hand. Laura pulled up the old saddle blanket to find her ex husband, dead. She looked only find a cut noose hanging around his neck. Laura gently rubbed ger thumb across his bruised cheekbone. The old cowboy cleared his throat and said," He tried to rape a woman a couple towns from here. He was hanged for his crimes." Laura dropped the saddle blanket and looked to the old cowboy. She pulled her shawl around her shoulders and said," Once a bastard. Always a bastard." She slowly walked back over to Wes and let him wrap his arms around her. Wes kissed her temple and said," I'll take care of him. Go inside with Caleb." Laura just nodded as she quickly walked inside. Wes slowly walked over and lifted up the burlap blanket, looking down at Laura's ex-husband. His skin was lightly burnt and his bright red hair was marred with blood and dirt. He had a large scar that started on his right temple and stretched to his chin. He looked mean and rough, nothing like someone that his Laura would marry. The older cowboy handed him the rains to the horse and said," Well this was his horse, he said he wanted the horse returned to his son. He said he wasn't the best father the least he could do was give him his horse. If it give Mrs. Mann any peace he prayed with a preacher before he was hung." Wes just nodded as took the reigns and gently patted the horses nose. The front door slammed open and Caleb ran towards them. Wes quickly let loose of the reigns and caught Caled before he could make to the horse. He Caleb tight to his chest as violent sobs wrecked his body. Caleb beat against Wes' chest with clinched fists as he said," Let me go! I have to see him! Let me go!" The older cowboy blinked away tears at the sight before him and hopped his horse. Wes just squeezed him tighter as he finally went limp in his arms and the sobs grew louder. Wes gently rubbed a hand up his back and said," I'll let you see him once a I get him cleaned up and place to put him to rest. Now I want you to back inside with your mother and pick him out a nice outfit alright." Laura helped him back into the house both with tears in their eyes. Wes blinked away tears as turned to find the old cowboy behind him. He held his hat in his hands and said," If you'd allow me, I'd like to help you build a coffin and give the man a proper burial." Wes nodded and gave a appreciative smile. He grabbed the horses reigns once again and began walking towards the barn with the older cowboy following behind him.

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