Ten: Cursed

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Laura slowly paced around the bedroom holding her lower back as Wes stood in the doorway. Laura winced and said," I didn't think I was in labor. I was more concerned on the dinner and trying cook the soup." Wes rolled his eyes and scoffed as he limped further into the room. Wes crossed his arms and said," That's bull and you and I both know it." Wes helped her sit on the bed as she took a deep breath. Wes knew she still had a long way to go. Wes took one of her hands in his as she giggled. Wes gave her an odd look as she said," Yeah it was bull but I would've been fine." Wes just rolled his eyes as Caleb came into the bedroom and said," Can I go camping with Psalms and Uncle CJ tonight? I know Aunt Lottie wanted me and Matty to stay with her but Psalms asked if I wanted to go cowboy camping with him. Please?" Wes and Laura gave eachother looks, as if talking to eachother through their minds. Wes looked to Caleb and said," Only if you dress warm and pack an extra blanket. Go on and pack, I gotta get your mama in bed to relax for a bit." Caleb nodded before he ran out. Wes began pulling back the blankets on the bed and said,"Get in and rest awhile. You've been on your feet all day. I'll get Matty and Caleb over to Danny's and then I'll be right back." Laura just nodded as she gave him a quick kiss before he hobbled back out of the room.

Wes rode with Caleb and Matty on his lap. Caleb looked up to Wes and said," Ma's goin' to have the baby isn't she?" Wes nodded as he tried to hurry to Danny's house, having a bad feeling deep in his gut. Wes sighed and said,"Yes, sir. When you two come home you'll have a new brother or sister." Wes smiled as he heard Matty start clapping and babbling. Wes was worried Matty hadn't started talking much. Some babbling here and there but he was over a year old. Caleb tickled Matty's belly making him giggle. Wes pulled the wagon by Danny's house as Caleb hopped off the wagon before helping Matty down. Danny stepped out of the house and saw the nervous look in Wes' eyes. Wes frowned and said,"I don't have much time to talk. I gotta a had feeling. I need to get back home." Danny nodded as Wes took off once again, turning around as he went. Danny frowned and said," Holler if you need anything. I mean it." Wes just nodded as he rode off as fast as he could. He needed to get home."

Laura took long deep breaths as a massive contraction rammed through her stomach and back. She had hoped Wes would be home by now but she knew the baby was coming now and they were coming quick. She couldn't help but let out a loud yelp as she felt her water broke. She sat up in bed and began pushing, feeling a familiar pressure. Laura spread her legs as she heard the front door slam shut. Wes quickly made his way to his bedroom to find his wife drenched in sweat and screaming out pain. Wes threw his crutch down and hobbled his way into their bedroom. Laura breathlessly said," My water's broke. Baby's comin' now." Wes just nodded as he grabbed a nearby blanket. He positioned himself between Laura's legs to find the head almost out. He took a deep breath and said," The baby's almost here. A couple more pushes, Darlin'." Laura just nodded as she pushed. She grabbed her knees as she let out a loud scream. Wes gently grabbed ahold of the baby's head as he slowly entered the world. He couldn't help but smile at the black hair that already covered his baby's head. The baby slipped out into his hands as Laura slumped back against the bed frame. Wes clamped the baby's cord and gently wiped at his nose before the baby let out a loud cry. Wes smiled as he looked over the baby. His baby. He chuckled as he carefully laid the baby in Laura's arms as he said," It's another boy." Laura giggled and pulled the baby close to her chest as Wes put an knife on the fire to sterilize. Laura winced as another contraction hit her as she said,"I think I'm done having kids for awhile. That was a doozy." Wes chuckled and came over with his knife and gracefully cut the cord before toeing it off. Laura couldn't help but smile up at him as he said," That's alright. But if that means I gotta keep my hands off my beautiful wife, then you can forget it." Laura giggled as he kissed her temple. He looked down at his son as Laura carefully untied her nightgown. Wes helped Laura lift the baby as she started breastfeeding, knowing it help the afterbirth come. Wes smiled and said," I'm gonna get some hot water goin' so we can get you and the baby cleaned here in a bit. I'll be right back." He kissed her temple before limping into the kitchen. When he stepped into the kitchen he couldn't help but smile. He had a son. He grabbed the tin bucket and began walking out to the well. He looked into the blue sky feeling the fall air wrap around him. He chuckled as he said," I don't talk to you much but Thank you." He swear he could hear a slight whisper in the winds, maybe God's way of saying your welcome. He chuckles as he pumped some water into the bucket. He started his way up the stairs as he heard Laura yell," Wes!" He ran as fast as he could inside. He gently placed the bucket down in the kitchen before running back to the bedroom. Laura held their son her chest as she said," I think there's another one! Oh God, I knew it." Wes took the small baby and put him in the crib in front of the bed. Wes got into position again as Laura began to push. Laura took ahold of his shoulders as she pushed. Wes looked up at Laura and said," You're doing good, Darlin. I can see the head startin' to peep out."

Laura and Wes laid in bed holding their newborn twins. Two little boys, Henry and Beau. Laura leaned her head against Wes' chest and said," I think I'm cursed with boys." Wes chuckled and kissed her temple. He looked over his boys and saw the black hair on the top of their head. Wes smirked and said,"That may be my fault. I come from a family of eight brothers and four sisters. My father was one of six brothers and my momma was the only girl in a big family of men." Laura giggled and looked down at the little Westons. She sighed and said," Why didn't you want to name one of them Weston Junior." Weston sighed and looked down at little Henry in his arms. He shrugged and said," I always hated my name. It was father's name and his father's name. It was something they had to pass down because it was a family name. I wasn't going to burden my son with a name like parents were and like my parents did me. My father threatened me and Tonya that if we ever had kids and never named my first born son Weston he'd disown me and cut me off from the ranch. Well let's just say, what I had to say got me disowned."  He chuckled lightly as Laura kissed his shoulder and closed her eyes. Weston carefully got up and placed the twins in their crib as he got back into bed with his wife. He held her close and said,"I love you, Laura. You've made me so happy happy." He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as she didn't respond. He looked down at her and heard a loud snore escape her lightly agape mouth. He smiled and laid back against the pillows. He kissed the back of her neck and closed his eyes.

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