Five : A Christmas Wedding

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Laura was gently shook awake by a very happy Caleb. He was smiling from ear to ear and said,"Wake up, Mama! It's Christmas!" Laura couldn't help but smile as she got up with Caleb. Laura looked up to find Wes already holding little Matt in his arms. She smiled at him before Caleb pulled her into the living area. Caleb pulled her to a chair by the fireplace and said," Stay here. I have to go get something." Caleb ran to his room as Wes made his way over to her. He placed a simple and sweet kiss on her lips and said," Merry Christmas." She smiled up at him and gently rubbed his beared cheeks. She brought him in for another quick kiss and pulled away. She smirked and said," Merry Christmas, Weston." They jumped away from one another as Matt started getting fussy. Laura quickly took him and rocked him against her chest. Wes smiled down at Laura as Caleb ran from his room with an old shirt of his. He smiled as he ran to Wes and Laura. He held out the shirt and said," It's for you two." Wes kneeled beside Laura, as he took the shirt bundle. Wes opened it beside Laura to find an two hankerchiefs made with an old flannel and both with sloppily sewed 'W' and the other with a 'L'. Caleb smiled and said,"Mr. Johnson had one like but with Mrs. Johnson intial. Since you two are getting married I'd thought I'd you make you both one." Laura gave her oldest son a teary smile as she gently picked up the 'W' hankerchief. Wes brought Caleb into a hug before saying," This is one of best gifts I've ever gotten. Thank you, buddy." Caleb hugged him back as Laura smiled down at them. Wes pulled away and reached into his back pockey. He pulled out a hand-made leather wallet and said,"Now I didn't have time to wrap it because I was placing the final touches on it this morning." He handed it to Caleb and said," When I was just a little younger than you my Pa made me a wallet from one of old saddle bags, so I did the same for you." Caleb smiled as his fingers danced over the soft leather with his intials in the corner. Caleb excitedly held it out for his mother to see as he said," It's just like Grandpa's see! See!" Laura smiled and nodded as she gently rocked Matty into a deep sleep. Laura stood and placed him in his crib before going into her room. She held two small wooden boxs in her hands. She walked to her son and got to her knees in front of him. She smiled and said," Before I give this to you I want to tell you a story. Your Grandpa was a US Marshal before you came along. He went all over the fighting bad guys and locking them away. During his travels he found this and brought it to me and now I give it to you." She handed Caleb the box and he gingerly opened it to find small silver pocket watch. It didn't work and the metal was tarnished but that didn't stop Caleb from wrapping his mother in a hug. Caleb smiled down at his watch and wallet before walking over his 'widdeling spot' in the corner. Wes helped Laura stand as she held out the other box. He smiled down at it before opening it. It was a horseshoe tack curved into full circle, making a ring. She smiled and said," It was my Pa's. Him and mama never could afford two rings, so he bought my mama one and made his own. I know it ain't much but I love you Wes and I hope we marry soon, put this ring to good use." Wes smiled as he slipped it on his left ring finger, fitting perfectly. He brought her in for a passionate kiss and wrapped his hands in hers. He pulled away and said," I got you almost the same thing, darlin'." He pulled out a ring a golden ring with a turquoise inbedded into the center. He got down on one knee and said," I didn't ask proper the first time but will you marry me?" Laura got down on her knees infront of him. She cupped her hand around his cheeks and passionatly kissed him. Wes almost dropped the ring as he melted into the kiss. Laura pulled away and said," Yes, Weston. A million times yes." Wes slipped the ring on his finger and brought her in for another kiss.

Laura dressed in a light blue sunday dress and twisted her hair into a simple bun before walking out of her room to find Wes in some work clothes. He was slipping on his jacket as looked up. He smiled as he looked her over and wolf whistles. She blushes as she walked towards him and gave him a chaste kiss. Grace pulled away and patted his chest and said," Weston, my dear, sometimes you make me feel like the only woman on earth." Wes kissed her forehead as his arms wrapped around her waist. Her baby weight somehow disappeared and left a beautiful pear shaped figure. He squeezed her hips lightly and said," That's my job, darlin' and don't you forget it." He gave her a light kiss on her lips and pulled away. He slipped on his hat leaving Laura with blushed cheeks. She turned towards the oven as Caleb left his room. He smiled and said," I'm gonna go help Wes!" Laura just smiled and nodded as began lighting a fire in the stove. Caleb quickly threw on his boots and jacket before running outside.

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