Untitled Part 3

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Michael~ "If Rosewood was the original, Wildthorn is the catalyst."

Ritchie~ "Um..."

Michael~ "In my opinion."

Panda~ "What kind of weird language are you trying to speak sir?"

Michael~ "English." *Giggles*


Ritchie~ "Panda you got anything you want to say about Wildthorn season-"

Panda~ "Wildthorn is cool."

Ritchie andMichael~ *Laugh*

Ritchie~ "Thank you."


Mario~ "Master of improv!"

Panda~ "Wow you're not humble!"


Mario~ "And I'm not voicing every character that you guys are not!"

Panda~ "You should though."

Michael~ "Sh! Sh! Sh! They don't need to know that Mario."


Panda~ "This is why we don't let you talk!"


Ritchie~ "This is actually because of Auston."

Panda~ "See I did something, good boys! You hear that?"


Michael~ "Well you see Auston, It's a roleplay. So I'm feeling ju-"

Panda~ "Oh so you're fine!?"

Michael~ "No I'm crying internally."

Panda~ "Oh okay."

Mario~ "Michael that's you 24-7."

Michael~ "I work with these two on a daily basis." *Gestures to Ritchie and Panda*


Michael~ "What inspired the series? This is really really interesting."

Panda~ "Sleeping Isles is cool."

Michael~ "And there he goes. Wise words from the man himself."

Richie~ "He's not very good at this."

Michael~ "He can improve for 10 minutes straight but can't explain his own series."


Panda~ "Is this where we brag about our achievements? Cause I-  Let me tell you something."


Ritchie~ "Flord. He fought a robo-squid with a rocket launcher!"


Ritchie~ "It just grew from there and I ended up becoming too confident for my own good."

Michael~ *Laughs* "And here is the cocky ego- jerks you see before you."


Ritchie~ "We've given you purpose Mario!"

Michael~ "We've not only given you a job but we've given you a purpose congratulations. We are the best."


Mario~ "So Yeah folks." *Shoots Shotgun*

Panda~ *Dies* "Oh god!"

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