Ritchie Noises, Michael's sword and... Ninja Melon!? o-0

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~Quick A/N~
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Austin~ Welcome back to Advent of ascension. I'm here with Ritchie and Michael. The dream team
Michael~ Why?
Austin~ And we're back for episode two!
Michael~ Why?


Ritchie~ This is the more important thing. Down here. There here we go. Boom! Mineshaft.
Austin~ Are we here yet?
Michael~ Mineshaft.
Austin~ Are we there yet?
Michael and Austin at the same time~ Are we there yet?
Ritchie~ *closes off entrance*
Michael~ *laughs*
Austin~ What the heck!?
Michael~ AY! You're mean!


RItchie~ Michael! Michael! All the fairy dust!
Michael~ Awww.
Ritchie~ You're the collector of the fairy dust. 
Michael~ Is that my new title collector of the fairy dust?
Austin~ Yeah.
Michael~ Alright.


Austin~ Ahhh! No! I don't want to go this way! I don't- I found a- I don't wanna
Michael~ *Laughs* I like how he cuts out every three seconds.
Austin~ AHHH! AHHH!


Austin~ Well I blocked it off from me.
Michael~ Ow! Ow! EE! Ow! My butt! NO! *jumps to another level*
Ritchie~ I'm working with dingos.


Ritchie~ I mean impossible is such a relative-
Michael~ No! Definitely nearly impossible to kill. Me and Austin were both smacking that thing for like- OH IT FOUND ME! IT FOUND ME!
Austin~ *laughs* Uh what is that?
Michael~ What the heck? No- I gotta run!

Austin~ Come here, brother. Come catch this work.


Michael~ Oh my God. *laughs* Guys I'm in a standoff with this stupid eye monster.


Michael~ I'm like really- I'm honestly stuck between a rock and uh-
Ritchie~ You're yawning in my video!
Michael~ Eye monster.
Ritchie~ Get. Get out of here. Get. You're fired.
Austin~ *laughs*
Ritchie~ You're done.


Austin~ What was that!?
Michael~ Alright, eye monster. It's all just you and me now.
Austin~ Someone's phone just went off.
Michael~ It was not me. I KILLED IT! I KILLED THE EYE MONSTER!
Austin~ Did you?
Michael~ I did. I got, natural melon slice. What? Oh, nature melon slice.
Austin~ I've never been so proud of you Michael.


Ritchie~ Ninja melon!?
Michael~ Ninja melon? No I said nature melon. 
Ritchie~ Are you sure.
Austin~ Well I found my title for this video. Is Ninja still popular?
Michael~ Is Ninja still popular. *laughs* Yikes.
Ritchie~ Moderately.


Austin~ Who's down here making all this light? Oh, it's a torch.


Austin~ Why don't you-
Michael~ Shust your mouth.
Austin~ Pay your buddy on PayPal.
Michael~ *laughs*
Ritchie~ Wow guys come on now.

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