Chapter 3: So sorry

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Brian's POV

As soon as we teleport, I'm hit with an overwhelming wave of nausea. I don't get to blink before my lunch comes back up, right onto the back of Notch’s shirt. He tenses up, staring at me.

"S-sorry!" I exclaim quickly. "I-I didn't mean-"

"Accidents happen." He says. "Now, before we start, I'm gonna go wash this. I don't need a distraction."

"Dad?" A voice asks from outside the door. "Who are you talking to?" A small boy walks in, he looks very young. My eyes widen when I see how much he looks like me.

"Oh, Steven!" Notch says. "This is your uncle Brian! Brian, this is Steven, Steve for short. My son, who should be in bed!"

"He looks so much like me..." I mumble, not sure how to feel.

"Yes, I noticed. I brought him in from the streets." Notch laughs. "Steven, go to bed."

"But Alex is awake!" Steve protests. "It's not fair!" Notch facepalms.

"Alexandra!" He shouts. A little girl, she looks about Steve's age, runs into the room.

"Yes, mister Notch?" She asks.

"You and Steven go to bed." Notch says. "I'm about to test something new for the game."

"CAN WE WATCH?!" They exclaim at the same time.

"No, yo-" Notch begins.

"Let them watch." I interrupt, chuckling. "It won't hurt." Notch sighs and nods.

"I'll be back." He mumbles. He leaves the room, and Steve and Alex immediately start giggling and laughing with eachother. I smile. Sam’s gonna love them, she loves cute things.

Notch is gone for what feels like an eternity. When he finally comes back, he's wearing a cape. I look at him, confused.

"It stained." He mumbles. "Anyway, let's get started." He pulls up the game's code. I smile, excited.

He begins adding things to the code, as well as changing it. I smile, thinking of what to say when Sam's back. Hey, Notch added her before right? He can bring her back!

"Alright, attempt number one." Notch says. "Ready, Brian?"

"Yep!" I smile.

"You know if it doesn't work, I need to try again." He says. "That means I'll need to... remove her again." I hesitate, but nod. I can handle it, if it means having her back in the end.

He puts in the code, and something begins to form. Sam seems perfectly fine, it seems to have worked. I go to hug her, and she hugs back. However, she passes through me.

"Notch?" I ask.

"I need to retry." He responds. "Though this gives me an idea... 'spectator mode'..."

"Notch!" I protest.

"Sorry!" He chuckles. "Alright Sam, I'll have you back as soon as possible."

"Notch, what are you-" Sam begins, and with a quick change of coding, Sam's gone.

Ow, to have her back just to have her yanked away? That's... that's more painful than I expected...

"Let’s go again." Notch says, changing the coding yet again.

It takes several tries, and each time hurts more than the last to watch. Eventually, he gets it right. He adds it as an official feature to the game, but Sam seems mad about something.

"Notch!" She snaps. "What was that for?!"

"You came back wrong." Notch explains. "I was fixing it." Sam pulls out her sword. I guess he decided to restore her items as well...

"Fixing it?!" She snaps. "You killed me over and over just to bring me back! What if I killed you?! Just because I thought something was wrong with you?!" Notch pulls out his own sword. He doesn't look ready to fight, just defend himself. I try to stop her, but I fail to keep Sam from attacking Notch. Notch panics. I can tell, I've seen him when he prepared to send a mob into the void.

I jump between them, and instead of protecting her, we both find ourselves in a red dimension.

Notch’s POV

Oh my gosh... did I just... I banished Brian and Sam to the Nether! I pull up the code, frantically trying to get them back.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Steven demands.

"They're my family." I mumble. "I can't leave them."

"But that girl attacked you!" Steve protests. "If you bring her back, she might kill you!"

"They need me, Steven." I say. The whole time, I keep trying to let them out of the infernal dimension.

"I need you, too!" He exclaims. "Dad, please! I don't want to lose you!" I stop, staring at him. He has tears in his eyes, and I sigh. I close the game's code.

"Let’s get you and Alexandra to bed." I sigh. "You're up way later than you should be." He nods. I take him to his room, tucking him in. I do the same for Alexandra. They’re so young... by the time they're ten, they most likely won't remember this.

I lay in bed. I can't believe I did that to my own brother and sister...

I open the code. I change Brian’s code, as well as Sam's. Not much, but enough to do what I need it to. Brian’s name is no longer Brian, and Sam is no longer Sam. I don't want to hear their names, I don't want to think about this.

Brian was sent to the Nether because he had been trying to protect Sam and stop the fight. I don't want to completely change his identity. Herobrine. Brian, the hero.

I can't be mad at Sam. I imagine it was probably pretty painful to be killed and respawned over and over again. Ovärdig is her new name, it means "undeserving" in Swedish. Undeserving of what happened to her.

My own family... what have I done?

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