Chapter 53: Bowling

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Herobrine's POV

After the incident with the spawn egg, Brine got frustrated and stormed off.

  "Hey, Hero." Three says once Brine's gone.  "You up for trying something new?"

"When am I not?" I chuckle.

"Good point." He admits. "It's in the real world, I'm about to head there with Lick. We're going what's called 'bowling,' it's pretty fun."

"Sure, I'll give it a try." I shrug. "Where?"

"A place called Las Vegas, it's a popular place, you heard of it?" He asks. I shake my head. He shrugs. "That's fine, it's Lick's first time heading there, too."

"When are we going?" I ask.

"About twenty minutes." He answers. "That sound good?" I nod.

"That sounds great," I answer.

(Time skip)

I stare wide-eyed at the large buildings and colorful lights. It's astounding that the humans were able to build that, and all the tiny parts they're able to make are insane. According to Three, the real world isn't made of coding. Therefore, humans can't just learn to hack and summon whatever they need. That's just something that can be done in Minecraft. Crafting tables also don't exist, they had to use machines to make these, and the machines can break.

I'm so glad I live in Minecraft instead of reality.

Lick's mask is in his inventory, so he doesn't attract attention, and Three drank a potion to change his appearance since his actual appearance isn't normal in the real world. We're coming here to have fun, not be watched by everyone we pass by.

Three's leading the way since we don't know our way around. He's only a foot ahead, but it allows him to stop suddenly if he needs to. Apparently, people in Vegas can be crazy and unpredictable.

"It is always strange, seeing how much reality changes," Lick says. "When I lived here, we did not have electricity. We simply used candles."

"What are candles?" I ask.

"Imagine a tiny torch, basically." Three answers with a chuckle. "Not as bright, but it worked until humans learned to use electricity."

"Well, I don't see why humans need electricity, we do just fine with just torches." I chuckle. "And they don't need to worry about monsters spawning in the dark, so what are they so scared of?"

"Sometimes their imagination gets the better of them." Three responds, shrugging. "It's more common for kids, but a lot of people are scared of the dark." I notice Lick has an upset look on his face.

"Hey, everything ok?" I ask.

"Sophia was afraid of the dark." He mumbles. Three tenses when he hears that and stares at Lick.

"Hey, don't think about that." He says. "That wasn't your fault, and-"

"And she would not wish for me to be upset, I know." Lick chuckles softly. "I simply wish she were alive." Three nods.

"I know." Three sighs. "Come on, let's keep going. I brought you out here so you could have fun, so let's do that." Lick nods and we continue. As we walk, I speed-walk to catch up to Three.

"Who's Sophia?" I whisper.

"Right, you were still in the Nether." Three sighs quietly. "Sophia was his daughter. He blames himself for what happened."

"What did happen?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I don't know." He answers. "Any time someone asks him, he loses it, completely breaks down."

"Wow, he must've really cared for her," I mumble.

"You care for Daedra, don't you?" He asks. "Because she's like a daughter? Remember how you felt when Green took her?" I shudder as I remember.

"Yeah, true," I admit.

There's an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the trip, then Three smiles as we come up to a large building. He leads us inside, taking us to a weird area with music playing and people rolling spheres down lanes to knock over strange white, oddly shaped objects.

"Is that them bowling?" I ask. Three nods.

"I know it looks ridiculous, but it's actually pretty fun." He answers.

"Ok, how do you play?" I ask.

"It's simple." He responds. "Those white objects at the end of the lane are called pins. Your goal is to knock over as many as you can at once with the bowling ball, and you can't step onto the lane. You get two tries to knock them all down, then it moves to the next person's turn. If you get all the pins on the first roll, it's called a strike, and the person's turn ends right afterward. If you get all of them in two tries, it's called a spare. The number of pins you knock over is the number of points you earn, the person with the most points at the end wins."

"That sounds simple enough." Lick shrugs.

"That's because you've never tried it before!" Three laughs. "I'll go get us set up, you guys wait here!" He walks up to some people behind a counter.

"I am having doubts that this will be as fun as Entity_303 implies," Lick says. "I do not understand what would be so entertaining about rolling a sphere down a lane."

"Well, we'll have to see." I chuckle. "Maybe it's something you need to play to find out?"

"I suppose." he shrugs. "I trust him and do not wish to disappoint him. I shall try it, I am simply confused."

"Yeah, I don't blame you." I laugh. "But Three typically knows what he's doing."

"Aww, that's sweet!" Three chuckles, walking up to us with three pairs of red and black shoes. "Here, put these on." He hands a pair to me, then Lick.

"Why?" I ask.

"Normal shoes can slip on the floor here." He explains. "These prevent that."

"Very well." Lick shrugs, switching his shoes. I do the same. Once we've tied the shoelaces, Three walks up to a lane and grabs a ball from a rack. I notice a screen above the lane with Three names.




I walk up to the lane, confused. Lick follows behind.

"What's with the names?" I ask.

"The electronics keep track of the score for us." He answers. "That, and it tells us whose turn it is.

"That's not what I meant," I respond. He glances at the screen, then shrugs.

"We're trying not to attract attention, remember?" He chuckles. "Our names are right up where everyone can see them. Do you think our names are even remotely normal?"

"No," I admit.

"Exactly." He continues. "I used our original names since those are more common."

"That is a smart idea." Lick chuckles.

"I didn't know your original name was Christopher," I say. He grins.

"Yes, my parents named me after my grandfather." He chuckles.

"Oh, that's pretty cool." I chuckle. His grin widens.

"Come on, let's get started." Three says. "It's my turn first, then Hero's, then Lick's."

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