Getting a new job

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Louis pov

As we drive up the driveway to our new house I start to get worried, what if I don't make any friends or I get no job, what am I going to do? I have moved house a countless amount of times in my life and I have had to make friends over and over!

I just wish my parents would make their mind up already.

The longest we have ever stayed somewhere was .... Two years .... I think and that's at the max.

We finally arrive at the end of the incredibly long driveway and I cannot believe my eyes.

The most gigantic house is stood infront of me. I love the old almost Victorian look and I can tell my parents have picked up on my joy when my mum asks

" so you like it then, we hope to make this our final move before you break of and leave us to live your own life"

" o..m..g I love it, and I hope this is the last move to, I hate making new friends!" I squeal.

" we'll we are glad you like it son" my dad rests his big meaty hand on my shoulder and gives it a bit of a shake.

" better get inside, unpacked, big day tomorrow you have got a job interview!" Mum directs her comment towards me.

" yeah, tomorrow is a big day lets hope I impress" I agree picking up a few boxes and walking toward the big brown wooden door.

Mum pulls out the key and unlocks it, I can't help but gasp and the large foyer my eyes lay on to. This is probably my most favourite house I have ever moved into.

The whole floor is marble, with large Greek style columns on either side and a huge stair case that has two ways to start walking up that meet in the middle. The roof is intricately designs with a beautiful piece of artwork painted on and there is a huge crystal shandeleer slap bang in the middle of the room.

" I'm going to go pick a room ok" I say throwing myself towards the stairs.

" ok darling" mum calls after me.

I love this place.


I finally find a decent sized room that I like at the end of the second hallway on the right, man this house is huge.

And start to unpack my things. I walk into the closet and unpack all my turn up chinos first, when I turn around I am met with a small jewellery box. Me being the nosy t little bugger I am opens it and what do I find inside, a little pendant knecklace with an anchor on it. I immediately fall in love and put it on. I wonder who's this is, the previous owner must have left it here. But until I work out who that is for myself I will keep hold of this.

Harry's pov

I march around my new bedroom looking for the box where I out my most important things, dam you mum and dad for making us move house what was wrong with the last one? I really need to find that box it has my anchor pendant inside and I need that. I can't live without it!!!

(A/N: so what do you think of my first chapter it's interesting huh it sets the tone for the next few chapters so keep reading.

By the way anyone who was reading the populars it is kind of not going any further so don't expect an update very soon ok. Sorry love all you readers!

Sophie xxx.)

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