First shift

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Harry's pov

School was a bore as per usual, so as soon as the bell went I literally legged it out to the bus so I could get in my seat, no doubt that stupid new kid thought he could sit there, hhmmff no chance, no one sits in my seat.

When I finally reach my bus I march straight to the back and sit down. I am the first one on, usually because Everybody is busy yapping and saying goodbye to girlfriends or friends. I don't have that problem because I have friends but I don't need to say good bye to them I just see them when I see them. And I definitely don't have a problem with girlfriends because I don't have them..... Can I let you in on a little secret............... I'm gay but don't say anything to anyone.

I have had my little crushes just like anyone else, it's just that they have been on guys usually with girlfriends, so I couldn't make a move.


Back at home I stride straight past my mum asking me about my day, slam my bedroom door and start searching, I must find that pendant, I feel lost without it.

After searching for I guess is about an hour, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I look at the steen to see Nialls name flashing across the screen. I slide to answer and press it up to my ear.

" what?" I question angrily .

" we'll some ones grouchy"

" yes yes now what do you want?" I repeat my last question.

" me and the guys are going to the anchor for dinner and we thought you might want to come?" He asks.

" I would but I am kinda looking for something right now and it's really important" I make an excuse not to go, not like it's not true though.

" oh come on man can't it wait, the anchor is the best in town, if you get a chance to eat in there, you take it" I whines.

I am not going to melt I will not melt.

" plllleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee!!!!!!" Niall pleas.

I can't say no to him.

" fine what time?" I agree.

" about 6:00 ish" he replies, that's in half an hour.

" ok I'll be ready" I hang up before anything else can be said.

I immediately get back to looking for my pendant but it doesn't show up before it's time to go.

" Harry your friend is here to pick you up!" Mum call from the bottom of the stairs.

" coming!" I call back, I run over to my cabinet, unplug my phone and jog down the stairs and out the front door.

I cross the lawn and hop into the passenger seat of nialls car.

" hey" I say as I buckle my seat belt.

" hi man ready to go?" He questions.

" mhm" and with that he speeds away down the road.

Louis pov

School was ok today not as awkward as yesterday because I kinda know my way round now so I wasn't late for anything.

When I got home I ran straight upstairs and started getting ready for my first shift at the anchor. My uniform consists of:

Black trousers

White shirt with the anchor logo on

And a small apron also with the logo on.

Once I was ready i fixed my hair and put on my black converse. I then headed downstairs and out the door.

I once again walked because it is only like 2 minutes away. When I arrive outside there is a long line of people waiting to be seated.... Wow this place is popular.

Once inside I clock in for work and start serving people. I am told my first table is number 6 so I head over there and say the introduction.

" hello my name is Louis and I will be your server this evening can I get you any drinks?"

" yes please 2 beers please" a curls haired boy replies. I must admit he is quite hot.

" no problem coming right up!" I agree and head over to the bar to place the drink order.

Harry's pov

Once we were finally seated there is about two minutes before the waiter comes over and if I don't say so myself he is very hot............. Wait is that the new kid at school who was in my seat yesterday....... Yes it is well this is interesting.

" hello my name is Louis and I will be your server this evening can I get you any drinks" he asks.

" yes please 2 beers" I reply for Niall aswell.

" no problem coming right up" he agrees and turns on his heels and walks away, I can help but stare at his arse, it's so intriguing.

" hello....... Earth to Harry " Niall waves his hand infront of my face to get my attention.

" hmmm sorry" I didn't realise i was staring for so long.

" you were starting at the waiter!"

" no I wasn't I just wanted to make sure he defiantly put our order in, sometimes when they are busy they go over to another table and forget about it" I deny and make up some random excuse.

" oh..... Ok then " he didn't expect me to have an explanation did he?

Just as I was about to reply with some witty comment the server, Louis, came back with our drinks.

" here are your drinks sir" he hands one to Niall and then to me. But when he lent over the table to give me my drink. I see something shiny under his top and it looks like my pendant. It the exact same and my dad had it specially made so there is no other one in the world like it.

" thank you and I like your pendant there, where did you get it?" I question, he won't have an explanation for that.

" oh this....." He looks surprised trying to hide it...... That is defiantly mine. " I got it from my dad, he just bought it for me, because we had to move again and we have move house so many times I have list count" well I did not expect that..........

" oh It just looks like one I've got so I was just wondering" I explain my enquiry. " where did you move into?" I continue.

" I moved into 9 church road reedham" got him that where I moved out if, I must have left it there!

" oh I know the place, I used to live there!" I inform him.

" oh cool well I must get going I have other tables to serve" he makes an excuse to leave and I let him.

I actually really like him, he is quite good looking!

(A/N: hey guys hope you like this chapter, spent all day writing it.

So Harry and Louis have met and Harry's found his pendant, see how their relationship develops in the next chapter.

Love you guys

Sophie xx)

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