First date

19 0 0

Louis pov

I have never had so much worry over what to wear for a date, for starters I have never been on a date and I am not a trendy person.

I open my closet door and walk in. I start looking along my rails to find something to wear!! There is nothing at all trendy!!

"Ahhhhh I have nothing to wear!!!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

I begin pulling stuff out of my closet and looking at each item before discarding it behind my back. Once I have gone through all of my clothes I decide since I have most of the day to get ready I will go shopping for the perfect outfit.

I throw on my casual wear and grab my keys and wallet ( door keys not car keys I don't have a car)

And run out the door yelling a quick I'll be back soon and bye to my parents.

I have to walk to the shopping centre but it's not that far so I don't mind, about 10 mins.

On my way there I walk past the park where I see something I think I am not supposed to see.......

Harry setting up a table and flowers in the middle of the park. I can't help but stop to admire the lovely table setting and of course the vision of loveliness standing next to it.

He looks up my way so I dart for a tree and hide behind it, I should really get going or else I am going to get caught and I won't have time for shopping.

Once I reach the shopping centre I head straight for my favourite shop house of fraiser. I head to the men's clothing section and start looking through the rails of really over priced clothes but I will go to any length for Harry!!

I finally decide on a whole new outfit of..

Blue vans

Denim rolled up jeans

Black top with my favourite band on, the Rolling Stones and a denim jacket with wool on the inside of the collar. I run to the check out and pay as fast as I can so I can run back home to put it all on and get to my fate at 3 pm, once I was ready and fully clothed I had a half hour to spare.

I decide to text Harry

To Harry

Can't wait for our date!! Xx.

I await a reply and moments later my screen lights up.

From Harry

Neither can I, wear something nice ;)

I smile at the text and reply

To Harry

Ok been shopping just for you! X

I grin as I hit send and again almost straight away my screen lights up, wow he's fast

From Harry

Cool can't wait to see you only ten minutes now you best start walking my friend!!

Only ten minutes I need to go

I run out my door shouting a bye to my parents, I feel bad for not even talking to them today, anyway I run down the street until I just have to round the corner when I stop to catch my breath back and then cooly walk around the corner to see a very we'll dressed Harry sitting on the park bench.

I decide to surprise him so I walk up behind him and cover his eyes.

" guess who?" I question.

" ummm.... Lou?" He replies.

" correct!" I praise and jump round so he can see me.

" wow you look great" he compliments me and I put my had to my chest and reply with

" we'll i do try and I must say you don't look so bad yourself mr. styles"

" thank you"

We walk hand in hand up to the table where he pulls out my chair for me before jogging doing the other side and seating himself. In front of me there is a lovely plate of stemming spaghetti carbonara which is one of my favourite types of spaghetti.

" this is perfect thank you Harry!!"

(A/n: hey guys thankful for reading soz for the delay love you

Sophie xxx.)

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