Chapter 10: Amortentia And An Angry Sirius

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"WAKE UP, OLIVIA! IT'S THE FIRST DAY!" Lily's screams and a pillow interupted my sleep. I groaned and threw it back.

Wait. I fell asleep? I didn't notice that.

"I'm up, I'm up." I positioned myself up and onto the floor, beginning to change and brush out my hair.

"Good. Now hurry and wake up."

After I was fully awake, I gathered my books and my bag and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

I looked at all the little first years, remembering my first day. I had gotten lost inside the castle, Sev and Lily had to call Dumbledore.

Poor them.

I spotted Reg and Sev, and I ran to Slytherin Table. "Morning, boys!"

"Morning, Liv." They chorused. Reggie let his head fall to the table.

"Why is morning even a thing?" He banged his head, Sev's plate falling and breaking.

"Hey, where's Lucius?"

"Probably snogging Narcissa,"
"His first class,"

The boys shared a look with eachother, both saying a different thing.

"I think my idea is more acceptable," Reg smirked a bit, as I giggled.

"You want that?" I pointed to Sev's toast with jam. He handed it to me, looking at me strangely.

"You eat like a pig, Liv." Regulus snorted. "Do us a favor and close your mouth,"

"Says the one that just snorted. And I'm hungry, I didn't really eat last night." I stuffed the bread into my mouth.


"Hmph, chant chalk,"

"Chalk! Chalk- ow!" I smacked Sev's arm, finally swallowing.

"I said 'can't talk' but okay," Reggie raised his eyebrows, and took a napkin, handing it to me.

"Thanks. I didn't eat as messy as I think I did, right?" I wiped my mouth. He shook his head.

"Not as much as you think you did."

"Well, I gotta go. See you later, and find a way to wake Sev up again," I smiled, grabbing my books.

As I walked to Slughorns class, which was Potions, the boys joined me.

"Hey, Lia! Off to Potions?" Remus asked. Peter and James seemed like they wanted to know as well.

"Yeah, you too?" They nodded, exept for Sirius. He ignored every glance I tried to meet with him.

Maybe he's just grouchy. Maybe he didn't get any sleep like me.

I didn't really want to ask him.

When we finally made it to the class, a smell filled my senses. It was strange, but familiar.

"Are you smelling a rain-like scent like I am?" I turned to the boys, James speaking up.

"No. I smell. . . I can't really tell." He shook his head, sniffing the air.

"All I can smell is burnt rubber, motor oil, and. . . . Is that freaking lavender?" Sirius commented, now confused as well.

"Ah, come in students, come in." Proffeser Slughorn pulled us from the doorway.

"Oh, Miss Winters, Mr. Black, and Mr. Lupin, ah Mr. Potter, and. . . Who might this lad be?" He asked, pointing to Peter.

"Peter Pettigrew, sir?" Peter had a confused expression.

"He's been one of our best mates for years, sir," Sirius now had the same expression.

"Oh, well, Mr. Pettigrew, very nice meeting you. Get out your books, and pick a table," He smiled, going to some other students.


"Alright, then, let's go." I pulled them to a long table, pulling out my book. I forgot that inside, I had put a quote to read over the summer.

I had gotten into Atticus and things like that over the summer, because that's all Miss Victoria had to give me, never letting Miss Hope know.

"'I've always like tomorrow's, you haven't made any mistakes yet in tomorrow's'," I read quietly.

I've always liked it.

"Lia?" I slammed the book shut, along with the little note of parchment. I smiled nervously at James as he stared at me.


"Do you know what Potion this is?" I let out a mental sigh of relief. "Well, Jamsie, I believe it's Amortentia."

"Amorta-what now?"

"Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. Well, not really love, just creates an obsession - fake, I may add - from the person's victim." His mouth was agape, as though he couldn't comprehend what I just said.

"Ask Remus."

"Alright, class!" Proffeser Slughorn came to the front table, a pot of the potion on it.

"Who can tell me what this is!" Without any warning to myself, my hand shot up.

"Yes, Miss Winters?"

"Amortentia, sir. The most powerful love potion in the world. It doesn't really create actual love, more like mimicking it. Amortentia smells different to each person; according to what attracts them.

"Like. . ." I stepped closer to the table. "I smell rain, mint and. . . ." What is that?

"C-Colgne. Some sort of colgne." It was edgy, sweet, but edgy. It was stuck in my head, the scent dizzying me somehow.

Where have I smelt it before?

"Very good, Miss Winters, very good. Now, flip to page 943 in your books, and you may get started!" Proffeser Slughorn went to talk with some Slytherin students.


"Hey, Sirius, are you mad at something?" The words slipped out, as I saw his jaw clench.

"Why do you care?" He did that little growl, that I rolled my eyes at.

"I care because it's seems like you're mad at me, and I don't like that. Is this because I had breakfast with-"

"Yes, okay! Now just. . . leave me alone would you." He furrowed his brows, turning away.

"Fine. I will. And to think I thought you could keep a promise." I grabbed my books, glaring at him, and left to the table Alice and Frank were.

He promised. Last year he promised he wouldn't get mad about Reg and the Slytherins.

Why do I even care what he thinks? Why did I believe he could keep his promises?

But he's still the annoying player he's been since day one.


Go check out Unison everybody! (i'm dying inside i'm so bored.)

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