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Rayne woke up on her cot to a not so quiet alarm. She smaked the alarm clock, as she did so she was starting to regret getting an alarm clock. Normally Vanessa would awaken her in a more friendly manner. Vanessa: Good morning Rayne. Would you like for me to wake up Anthony? "No, I'll do it, don't worry about it." She said groggily. Vanessa: I am incapable of worrying, I only exist to make things more efficient for you. "Vanessa, is there any way I can get you to be a little more personable?" She said realizing how even with the AI the ship had still seemed lonely before. As she was walking through the ships corridors Vanessa spoke up. Vanessa: If you would like I can put in a order for a personality module. "But would it be a set personality?" She asked. Vanessa: There are multiple different modules. Ones that have a set personality, ones similar with a variable personality, or one that simply enables a personality protocol allowing me to develop my own. Rayne stopped and thought for a minute, she knew they were cheap but she still wasn't sure.

"Do you want to have a personality?" She asked. Vanessa: As an AI I am not bound by the needs or wants, you would consider me to be indifferent to your decision. "Vanessa." Vanessa: Yes Rayne? "Put in an order for the personality module where you can develop yourself. Oh, and set up for an outgoing communication, we can't be traced." She said as she was almost at Anthony's door. Vanessa: Done and done. May I ask who you will be contacting? Rayne stopped outside of Anthony's door. "Not me Anthony will, his family atleast needs to know he's safe." Vanessa: Understood. Calibrating drones. With that Rayne pressed opened the door and walked in. She say Anthony asleep with covers not even half way up his body leaving everything above the mid thigh showing. Thankfully he'd fallen asleep in his clothes which saved for some embarasment. She laid out some jeans, boxers, long sleeve black t-shirt, and a grey hoodie. She then gently shook his arm to wake him up. Which didn't seem to work so she decides to put both hands on his chest and pressed down with enough pressure to startle him awake. He shot up wide eyed thinking something was wrong.

"Everything okay, what's wrong?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes. She giggled slightly at how he reacted and said "Yes everything's fine but hurry and get up, I've set up a way to contact your family for a short time." She looked towards the wall because she felt guilty for this all happening in the first place. "I imagine they're worried and if I can help it I'd like to make sure things are atleast in order for you since you can't exactly go back home." Anthony could tell she felt bad for what was really out of her controll. He put his left hand on the side of her face to and turned her head towards his so he could look at her in the eyes. "Look please don't feel bad about me being stuck here, you feel bad about anything, you saved me and quite frankly if I couldn't ever go home I wouldn't care." She got wide eyed and merely got a puzzled look. "You've been so nice to me even though I've feel as though I'm more a burden than anything." Rayne cut him off at that and said "You are no burden to me, please don't ever think that." "Well my point is without you I wouldn't even have the chance to let my family know I'm okay, chances are I would've died out there that far from anyone. You've giving me a second chance and honestly if you said you wanted me to try and fight those Gandaran things I would." He said knowing full well that one could easily rip him apart since it almost happened. Rayne felt touched by his words. "Okay for the record I'm not that stone cold, I wouldn't send you to your doom like that. But... Would you really do that even if I asked you?" She said trying to learn if he was simply trying to be nice or if he was serious. "In a heart beat, believe it or not I kinda like you... You've been so kind to me and quite frankly you shouldn't even care about me. I'm just one person and I caused whatever that contract was to be void." He said blushing and feeling bad still. Damn, he heard about that? Well not that it matters I guess but... Does he really care that much about me? She thought.

"Anthony, when you say you would fight a Gandaran if I asked, is it only because I saved you?" She asked and even finding herself dreading the answer. "Well I'd be lying if I said that wasn't partially why." Raynes ears drooped a little and he noticed "But it wouldn't be the main reason. I care about you and if I can help it I'd like to keep you from getting hurt yourself. I don't want to see you broken like I was. Even if it can be fixed." He said starring into her purple eyes. She looked back into his eyes and found herself lost In their hazel green color. At that moment Vanessa broke in. Vanessa: Rayne, the signal has been established. Like you guessed someone is attempting to lock the signal, there will only be two minutes of available communication before it will need to be cut. "Alright Anthony, you need to contact someone your phone, I assume family, but you need to let them know your safe." She said quickly. Anthony scrambled out his phone and called his father. It only rang twice before he picked up. "Dad look I don't have alot of time but I need you to know I'm safe and staying with a friend. People are out to get me and I'm not sure who." He said "Do they know where you are?! Are you hurt!?" His dad said frantically. "No I'm fine now but I made a friend who can keep me safe, she's helped me alot in the past while." Anthony said. "She? Anthony I don't know what you've gotten yourself into but make sure to kick their asses." His dad said thinking his situation revolved around his love of a girl. "What dad?" He said loudly. "Her ex's won't give up, trust me. Just be ready to kick their asses okay?" His dad said. Anthony was blushing but didn't want to correct his dad since he was sorta okay with what he thought was going on. "D... Don't worry I will." He said. "Look I have to go, work calls and all. Stay safe." His father said. "Alright, I will" he said lastly. He hung up the phone and bowed his head in defeat.

"What's wrong I thought you did well." Rayne said smiling. "Well it's just he doesn't exactly know the extent of what's happening." He said. "Well him thinking your protecting me from my ex's is better then him knowing what actually happened to you." She said sternly. "You don't have any ex's that want to kick my ass do you?" He said jokingly. "Well I don't have any ex's so no worries, and even if I did you could kick their ass. Your stronger than you think now." She said. Anthony couldn't help but smile at that. "You know, I've never actually felt attracted to anyone before I met you." She said putting her hands on his face. Anthony's eyes shot wide open. "Your attracted to me?" He said stunned. "Of course you so nice to me, I just want to know if you feel the same." Rayne said not knowing what she was doing and was wrestling with herself on what exactly she should be doing. She felt like she was making a huge mistake and was being to forward. "Well... Rayne I guess I do feel the same way, I'll be honest you may be alien but, if I'm being honest, it doesn't matter. To me I think your beautiful." Anthony said starring into her eyes. When Rayne heard that she couldn't help herself and pressed her muzzle against Anthony's mouth and started to kiss him. Of course Anthony couldn't help but kiss her back. This went on for for a short while before Vanessa broke the passion. Vanessa: Rayne the drones have locked onto what i believe to be the last Gandaran. Rayne pulled away from the kiss and said sternly "Last? Your positive." Vanessa: Yes, survelience suggests this is the same one that has been highly elusive and can even shift colors. "What the hell? Color shifting?" She said getting off the bed and making her way down the hall with Anthony following closely. Vanessa: Yes, it has the same build and shape of one previously thought to be several Gandarans, current information suggest it can shift color. Well shit. She thought. She spun on her left paw and grabbed Anthony by the shoulders and pulled him into what the main room and put him on the couch. "Look I don't want you leaving this ship but don't worry about me." She said trying to get him to stay. "From what Vanessa tells me you don't need me worrying. You can do it but please be careful, I don't want to be stuck here with her and not you." He said. "Your damn right and I'll be back as quick as I can" she said and kissed him on the lips for a second before darting back into the hall to prep for her hunt. Anthony just lied down on the couch and started to wonder how his life was gonna be with this girl in his life now.

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