Ci'Bria's pov

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As im standing there everything seemed to be going in slow motion..The boy who i thought I loved so much laying right in front of me motionless as if every breath of air he took was his last.I couldn't do anything but stand there trying to see if I was dreaming or not. It was like my mind was moving at a million miles per second but my body stayed frozen. As i finally gathered my thoughts and came back to reality I rushed to Devon side crying while dialing 911 trying to be as calm as possible for them to understand what the fuck i was even saying.

911 operator: 911 what's your emergency?

Me:yes ummm my friend has been shot and he's barley breathing we need help!

911 operator: ok ma'am try to stay calm and tell me your location and where the persons been shot.

Me: In his chest! & we're at 9821 N Jefferson rd. At the ball Park! Please send some help as soon as possible! He's losing alot of blood!

911 operator: ok ma'am just keep pressure on the womb we are sending someone out now just stay on the line with me until they get their.

As im listening to cars past by hoping and preying that one of them is a ambulance 🚑 I cant help but to feel like some of this is my fault for some odd reason I felt some kind of connection to the person that did this i didn't know who it was but for some odd reason that car looked so familiar. 10 mins passed and they finally got here and transported Devon to the hospital I was took in for questioning and after 3 hours of on going questions I was finally able to go home. Tonight was to much for me i was covered in blood and guilt for some weird reason I just wanted to get home take a hot shower and be under my girlfriend I had alot to explain to her in the morning seeing that she has been calling me non stop without me answering knowing her i knew it was going to be another interrogation.

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