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My eyes slowly opened to Oli's sleeping face. I smiled, trying not to move too much as his arms were wrapped around me and I didn't want to wake him yet. I needed time to think. My mind kept drifting back to that moment, three days ago, when Oli had found my medicine.

I bit my lip, hard, as if punishing myself for what I had done. I had outright lied to him, told him it was alergy medicine. It made me feel slightly better to know that he didn't believe it for a second, though.

He'd walked straight up to me after my lie, gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered, 'You can tell me when your ready.' And I'd nodded, overwhelmingly happy with his response. I'd never wanted to lie to him, but I wasn't ready to tell him, either. I wasn't ready to ruin us, to ruin our happiness.

I looked back to his face. It was glowing in the morning sunlight that was shining through the window of our hotel room. I couldn't help myself and I lifted a hand and pressed it gently to his cheek. A soft smile spread across his face, and then he whispered, with his eyes still closed, "Hey."

I smiled, "Hey."

He stretched his arms out and then pulled me closer, burying his face in my neck, "We're going on a hot air balloon today."

This turned my smile into a grin. We'd found that there was a hot air balloon fair schedualed for today, and booked a ride two days before. "I'm excited."

He nodded in a greement into the crook of my neck. "What time is it?" He asked, not at all sounding like he wanted to get up.

I checked my watch and my eyes widened, "Ten thirty! Oh shit, Oli! " I exclaimed, untangling myself from his arms, and jumping out of the bed, "We need to be there in an hour."

I ran to the bathroom and I heard Oli chuckle at me from inside the bedroom, "Calm down, Liv. We have all the time in the world."

I sighed at the phrase that Oli had been using every once in a while, lately. It would be so painfully ironic in the end.

We were both showered and ready in twenty minutes, and were about to leave the room when I froze at the doorway. I'd forgotten to take my medicine. Justin had walked a little ways down the hall before he realized I wasn't next to him, he turned with a questioning look, "What's wrong, Liv?"

I bit my lip and sighed, "I," I started, lifting my hand to point behind me, into the room, "I forgot somthing."

His face turned into one of understanding mixed with upset. He nodded, "Go on and do it. I'll wait for you here."

I went back into the room, and straight to the bathroom. He'd said, 'go and do it.' not, 'go and get it.'; he knew exactly what I was forgetting. I sighed as I finished up. At least when he found out, it wouldn't completely take him off guard. It would be more like a punch to the gut, rather than a slap to the face.

I made sure to put my things away and then rushed out to Oli, entertwining our hands as we walked down the hall to the elevator. He didn't say anything to me, he just gave me a soft kiss on my temple.

When we were passing the front desk, the chipper french man, who's name I still hadn't learned, said, "Excuse me Miss Sommers?"

I turned to him, with a smile on my face, "Good Morning."

He smiled right back, "Good morning to you as well Miss. I just have to inform you that a Mr. Steven Sommers called the hotel. He said that it was urgent."

I sighed deeply, "Thank you, but please don't take any more messages from him."

He nodded, "No problem, Miss."

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