9)Trainer Serena

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A/N: Hey guys! I kind of just realized that I should have maybe named this chapter something else. Oh well. haha, This chapter is a "little bit" shorter than all of the other ones. I guess that happens when you cut out Team Rocket. Anyhow , enjoy! :)

NOTE-I won't be updating for a week. Thanks for your patience..

"...And Aria once again steals the show with her beauty and amazing pokemon!" The lady on the screen complimented Aria on her success as Kalos Queen.

Serena leaned back in her cushioned chair analyzing Aria's moves, and the way she executed them in complete harmony with her pokemon. Palermo's words began to replay over and over in her mind like a record player stuck on repeat. What am I missing? Should I train differently?

After a short break from Performing, Serena has finally decided that it was time for her to prepare herself for next year's showcase. That morning, she woke up early with her pokemon to watch clips of her performances (and everyone else, especially Aria) to figure out what she needed to become the next Kalos Queen.

Serena began tapping her fingers on her armrest, taking a swig of tea from her mug. She hadn't had the slightest clue about what she needed to do in order to win the title she was so close to snatch away from Aria. She looked out the window to see Ash up and early with all his pokemon, starting off with their warm up exercises.

She continued to watch as Ash and his pokemon began to run circles around the battlefield. Maybe I should try training with Ash? Serena thought to herself as she stood up from her chair, walking towards the window to get a better view of Ash breaking a sweat. Her eyes followed him around the field before Ash looked up, noticing the honey blonde haired girl staring at him through the glass. He began jogging on the spot, waving up at Serena.

Serena's face turned bright red before she ducked beneath the windowsill, her heart ready to burst through her chest, "Gaaah!" She squeaked, pulling her knees to her chest, tousling her hair with her fingers. "Do you want to give it a try?" Now all she could hear was Ash's voice in her head suggesting that they should kiss, and then an image of him closing his eyes as he leaned in closer to her face. Serena placed the tip of her fingers upon her lips remembering the sensation she felt when Ash was kissing her. "Gaaaaaah!" She groaned once more as she profusely began shaking her head causing her hat to fall to the floor. She remained calm and neutral about it for the last while, but it just suddenly hit her like a plane crashing into a tower. It wasn't a dream at all and Ash Ketchum did indeed kiss her, and she hadn't had the slightest idea as to what she was going to do about it. Did it mean he liked her? He knew how important a first kiss was to her, did he take advantage of that just to find the hot springs? Was he that kind of person? These questions were coursing through her mind like wildfire.

"Pancham...?" Pancham and the rest of her pokemon walked over to Serena curious as to why she was acting so strange.

"Brax Braxien?"

"I'm so sorry..." Serena looked up at her pokemon, "I was just thinking if we should try Ash's special training. What do you guys think? Do you think it will help us?"

"Sylveon!" Sylveon wrapped one of its ribbons around Serena's wrist, signifying that it would do anything Serena believed to be a benefit towards their win.

Pancham simply nodded, "Pan Pan Cham Pan."


Serena began twirling a lock of hair around her finger. There was a part of her that wished that her pokemon said no. The last few days she's been keeping her distance from Ash because he was making her so nervous and shy, but she also had to maintain some kind of closeness to him or else the others would think that something was wrong. I need to become a better Performer. She began to chant those seven words in her head, "Right." She nodded with a stern look on her face. She placed her hat back on her head before managing to stand up on her two feet. I can do this. I've liked Ash for so long... It didn't bother me much before, and it shouldn't bother me now!

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