12C) Let the Games Finish!

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See the picture above and guess what's going to come.

So here's the final part of the trilogy.
(Somewhat small chapter, but two small ones are better than one long one. At least I think so!)

"Well," Brady cleared his voice, his mind still shaken by the jousting round that didn't go as plan. "That was an interesting turn of events." He watched as Clemont was taken away on a gurney with a giant circle imprinted around his face. Bonnie walked along beside him, holding on to his hand.

"I suppose we should remove a plunger from our list of weapons. It was truly tragic as to what just happened to our dear competitor Clemont, but sadly, as they say in theatre, the show must go on!"

The crowd did not know how to respond to the sudden turn of events. They slowly clapped their hands, but their mind was now engraved with Clemont's unfortunate injury.

"Considering what just happened, King wins the jousting round by default. Paired off with the results from the first round, this puts Ash and King as the two competitors for the last round. Just like every other Thursday, the last round will be a Pokemon battle! Will King and Ash please take the stage?"

"Good luck Ash!" Tierno said. "You gotta win this one! I'd rather have you kiss Serena than that guy King!"

"Me too!" Ash held his fist up in the air.

The now pumped up trainer from Pallet stood at the center of the arena. Standing beside him was King, and standing ahead of him was Brady.

"Ash, on your left are five Pokeballs each containing a different Pokemon," said Brady. "The same goes for you King, but on your right. You both may choose one Pokeball to determine your Pokemon for the one on one battle. Serena will then choose another ballot containing the kind of arena your Pokemon will be battling on. Now will you both please choose a Pokeball from your own table."

Ash simply nodded before heading towards the table on his left. He stared at the five Pokeballs that were nicely lined up at the center of the table. He eyed each one in hopes that maybe one of the Pokeballs would give him some kind of hint as to which one contained a strong Pokemon. Taking a deep breath, Ash reached for the fourth Pokeball from his left and returned back to the center of the arena where King already stood with his choice.

"Alright! Now Queen Serena, will you have the honours of reading out the choice of arena for the battle?"

With a look of uncertainty on her face, Serena read, "The choice of arena for this battle will be... '." She looked up from her piece of parchment to Brady with confusion. "The Tilting Field?"

Ash stood atop a platform as King did the same on the opposite end of the arena. The floor beneath them began to creak as the ground in front of them opened up, revealing a typical Pokemon battlefield. With the sound of a few more clicks, the field ascended from the ground and began levitating.

What's happening? Ash thought to himself as he heard a click from his own platform before it began to ascend. His and King's platform, along with the battlefield was now, at most, twenty feet away from the ground.

In a few short minutes, two Altaria's appeared from two hidden entrances located near the ceiling of the restaurant. With a camera hanging around both of the flying Pokemon's necks, the two Altaria's circled around the battlefield as a means to film a close up of the battle for the audience.

"The rules are simple!" Brady announced, ascending from his own platform. "Since this is the Balance Field, then there are a few guidelines I must go over. To win, you may not directly hit the other Pokemon or it will result in an automatic loss."

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