The holiday

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Niksi: This is not a problem Ani and Mimi should go, because Vicky and I have plans.
Mimi: I know that Vicky have dance practice with her dance group but what about you Niksi?
Niksi: Ohh I'm just too lazy😂
Ani: Are you serious!😒
Niksi: You know me quite well so...😂
Vicky: Don't worry girls she will do something. I won't let her sleep all day!
Niksi: Don't annoy me😡
Vicky: Yeah yeah whatever!
After the fight that Vicky and Niksi had they went home and went to bed.
After two days Mimi and Ani were already at the airport. Vicky was with them to say goodbye while Shadow was still sleeping.
V Jay: Goodbye girls! We will see after a week and don't worry I will make Shade do the housework while you are gone😂
Ani: Bye and see you soon!
Mimi: Just be careful because you know that Niks will be angry if you make her move so much.

Ani's P.O.V
Me and Mimi hugged Vicky and went straight to the plane.
After four hours we finally arrived in Hawaii. It was beautiful but it didn't took to long to decide to go to the mall to buy some new clothes and swimsuits.
We entered the mall and saw seven boys performing really beautiful song. They were amazing.  We wanted to talk to them but suddenly a thief grabbed Mimi's bag and started running. I started running after him really fast but I wasn't able to catch him. Then I saw two of the seven boys taking the bag from the man and then started walking towards me. One of the boys gave me the bag:
Me: Thank you boys for the help! Me and my friend should treat you because of your help.
???: You don't have to it's okay.
Me: Oh and I'm Anita by the way
???: I am Tae and this is Jungkook. Nice to meet you Anita.
Me:Hey Unicorn come here!
Mimi:You didn't have to shout and stop calling me that!
Me:Why?After all this is your stage name and you chose it😂 Ok ok let's stop.Boys this is my friend Mimi.Mimi these are Tae and Jungkook
Mimi:Nice to meet you boys.You should come and eat with us.
Jungkook:We would love to but our group is waiting for us.
Ani: Invite them to come with us too. It will be fun!
Tae: Okay just wait a minute!
After minute all the boys came.
Jungkook: Girls these are J- hope, Jin , RM, Jimin and Suga! Boys these are Anita and Mimi!
Ani and Mimi: Nice to meet you all!
Ani: Okey now we should eat. Let's go!
We went to nearest cafe and we ordered a lot of food because we were hungry especially Mimi.

V Jay P.O.V
When I came back home Niksi was still sleeping so I made some food and even that I was scared I went to wake her up. I went to her room but the door was locked. I was a little worried because she rarely locks  her door. I decided to call Snow and ask her if she knows anything.

Ani's P.O.V
I was eating and talking with the boys when suddenly my phone rang.
Vicky: Hey Ani what are you doing?
Me:Oh you already miss us! We are great we just make a new friends.
Vicky: I'm glad.. ok back to the point I called to ask if you know why Niksi locked herself in her room?
Me: What do you mean?
Vicky: She is in her room all day and now is almost evening and I'm worried about her.
Me: Don't worry too much maybe she just need time alone. I will call her later.
VJ: Thank you and talk to you soon. Call me later to tell me about this new friends.
Me: Bye!
I ended the call and everyone were looking at me.
Mimi: What happened?
Jin: You look worried. Is everything ok?
Me: Yeah just our unnie is having a depression again maybe.
Mimi: Again? What do you mean again?!?
Me: She locked herself in her room and Vicky is worried because Niksi hasn't gone out all day.
Suga: Why is she depressed?
Me: I don't know maybe she had a fight with her brother again. I will call her later and ask her what happened.
Hobi: Don't waste time! Call her now!! Maybe she need you.
I called her immediately and she picked up.
Niksi: Hi bunny! What is it?
Me: Hey Vicky told me that you locked yourself. Are you ok?
Niksi: Yes I am. I just need time for my book.
Me: Ohh GOD!!Are you serious?!? I was worried sick about you!!
Niksi: You didn't have to I am okay. By the way how is your vacation?
Me: it's great. We met new friends and they are cool. Actually they live in Seoul too,so we will introduce them to you and Vicky when we come back home.
Niksi:Okay,Bye for now.Now it's time for me to scare the shit out of VJ.
Me:Haha if you are going to kill her , don't leave the dead body in the house!Bye
Shade:I won't don't worry.
Then I hung up and everyone were looking at me again.
Mimi:Sooooo...what happens?
Me:Oh nothing she is going to kill Vicky now , because she woke her up.
RM:Are you serious just because she woke her up.She is just like Suga!!
Suga:Haha true!
Mimi:Oh believe me she is way too worse.
Jimin:I don't think that is possible!
Mimi:Well that's because you haven't met her.
JK:Yet.We haven't met her yet.
Ani:Yes but still even if you meet her she won't show you her real side.Hey what about when we come back to Seoul you boys stay with us in our house for a while?
Jimin:Yes,why not.It will be fun.
Tae:You buntae!You just want to be all around girls.Why you always have to be so dirty minded?!
Me and Mimi started laughing.
Vicky the second!!-me and Mimi said in union.
We finished our meal and me and Mimi were tired because of our flight.So we decided to went to our hotel.
Me:Sorry boys but I'm tired.Do you want to meet tomorrow at the beach?
JK:Sounds great!
Mimi:Ok see you soon.Bye.
We went out of the cafe, but first we bought some new swimsuits for tomorrow.

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