the preparation for the date

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Ani's P.O.V

I woke up early and went to Vicky's room to wake her up too. She was still sleeping when I went to her and shook her. 

Me: Vicky wake up! we have to prepare ourselves for the date!

Vicky: Ok... ok I am up...

Me: Let's go we have to wake Niksi

Vicky: Ohhh no this is not good

Me: Ohh come on 

We went to Niksi's room and went in first because Vicky was scared.

Me: Niksi you have to wake up

I shook her gently but she didn't wake up at first.

Me: Heyyyy you have to get up NIKSI!! We have date with the boys!! Just wake up already!!

Niksi: Just give me 5 more minutes! Or you can wake me when the date is over.... I'm tired....


Niksi: Ok..ok.. just don't shout and you may leave so I can get ready

Me: No I will get you done. I will choose your outfit and make up, I will choose for Vicky too. And you will make our hair.

Niksi: Ok but don't make me too girly or like a clown if you dont't want your hair to look like mess.

Me: I know your style so just trust me. Ok now me and Vicky are going. I will come later to make you.

We went to Vicky's room and I went to her wardrobe and searched for outfit. And after 15 minutes I chose that:

 And after 15 minutes I chose that:

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and this dress

Me: So what do you think about this outfit?

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Me: So what do you think about this outfit?

Vicky: I really like it. Thank you for your help Ani!

Me: No problem!

Then I went to Niksi's room.

Me: It's your turn now

Niksi: Ok just be quick

I went to her wardrobe and chose that:

With this dress:

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With this dress:

So after I was done with them It was my turn to get dressed and I chose this:

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So after I was done with them It was my turn to get dressed and I chose this:

So after I was done with them It was my turn to get dressed and I chose this:

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And this was my dress:

Finally we were all done and sneak out trough the window so the other won't see us

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Finally we were all done and sneak out trough the window so the other won't see us. 

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