Untitled Part 19

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Ani's p,o,v 

We turned our attention to the person and it was Niksi's brother Eric!!

Me: Eric!!! you are home!! I missed you sooooo much!

I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Eric: Wow little one calm down! I missed you too!

Then he hugged me too. I saw Jungkook looking jealous but it was my brother so he didn't have to be but he didn't know that.

Niksi: So you are going to hug only her? I thought you loved me more?

Eric: Ohh shut up you little piece of shit

Yoongi: Hey who are you to talk to my baby like that?

Jungkook: And who are you to hug my girlfriend?

Niksi and I looked at each other and started to laugh really hard.

Eric: I see the girls haven't told you about me

Niksi: Calm down idiots that's my bigger idiotic brother

Everyone: Ohhh 

With the faces that everyone made I understood that no one understand what we were talking about.

Me: Let me explain... So this is Eric and he is Niksi's bigger brother

Niksi: So what are you doing here?

Eric: I wanted to visit my favorite sisters! 

Me: Ohh Eric we love you but we also know you soooo well so just go to the point

Eric: Well you see I was wondering if you could..

Niksi:No no and no.

Eric:You didn't even hear what I was gonna say.

Niksi:I am not going to look after your kids again so you and your wife can fuck around.

Me: Well if she doesn't want it I will do it for you 

Eric: Really?!? Ani you are the best!!!

He ran to me because he wanted to hug me but Jungkook was standing in front of me.

Jungkook: I think you should stop with the hugs it's enough for today.

Me: But he is my brother not some man!

Jungkook: I know but....

Jimin: Ohhh is Jungkookie jealous?!?

Jungkook: HYUNG!!!

Eric: You are all so funny! 

Me: So when are you going to give me the kids and for how long?

Eric: After two days and for a week....

Me: Hmmm I think I can make it ok... Jungkook are you going to help me?

Jungkook: Sure but how old are they?

Eric: Well Daniel and Etty are 10 and Nora is 9. They really love you and miss you so I think it won't be a problem for you to watch after them for awhile. So I think now I should leave because my wife and kids are waiting for me. See you after two days!

Everyone: Bye!!

He left and Niksi patted my shoulder.

Niksi: Ohh my dear sweet bunny you have no idea what you got yourself into.Well good luck love.

She laughed and went to her room.

Me: Boys, girls don't look at me like that they aren't that bad. You will love them they are sooo sweet!

Mimi: If the queen of the cruelty and evilness is wishing you good luck I think we should be scared.

Me: Ohh don't be like that they are just kids and I know them for ages! We love each other so much so they will be fine with you too! 

Vicky: Ok i'm tired so i'm going to bed now. Jimin are you coming with me?

Jimin: Are you seriously asking? of course!!

Mimi: Wow he is so exited! hahhaha

Tae: Babe i.'m tired too.. let's go to our room

Mimi: Ok ok bye guys!

When they left everyone returned to their rooms and slept.

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