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*Not yet edited*

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It means a lot to me!


Through my whole life, when reality was family, friends, school, work, living and breathing without a cost, I'd admired my fathers work as a poet. Once, he had written,

Drifting isn't swimming. Surviving isn't living. Thinking isn't dreaming.

I'd held onto it, even printed it onto my wall in a thick black scrawl, with a my dads signature below it. Dad was more than thrilled to see his biggest fan become his daughter. I attended all his poet signings, his book signings, confrences, talk shows; I was always somewhere in the background, cheering him silently on.

I was young when I'd heard that line. So young, the real meaning hadn't actually hit me until a moment that it was so unexpected, so breathtaking, I nearly stumbled in my step.

My feet, tucked into a too-tight pair of trainers, slapped against the concrete ground as the wind slapped at my roar cheeks. My chest was constricted, lacking the oxygen I needed to keep moving. Don't stop running. My words really had no effect on the way my legs worked, but they were like a small domino set, setting off my mind into a tail spin of thoughts.

And I landed here. Drifting isn't swimming. Surviving isn't living. Thinking isn't dreaming.

So what in the hell were we doing? Drifting, surviving, thinking?

I'm not even sure I could answer that.

But what I did know, is that by running straight back to my family with a whole horde behind me, I was creating something much worse for them.

Little pieces of the fragmented world wrapped together to make a much more warped, distressing version, but we held a piece of it in our own, dirty, bare hands. It was ours, and we would make it something more.

My feet skidded along the floor as I came to a dead stop. The night was fleeting, going so fast I was sure it was playing games with me.

But alas, the day could not come quick enough. Only the strongest can stay in the daylight, and even then they are weakened. I would be able to take on two, maybe three. But 14? I had no chance.

I spun in a full circle. The surrounding village buildings were nothing but a distraction with their falling walls and missing windows. They couldn't hide me long enough to even devise a plan- they could smell my blood a mile off.

A low whistle echoed from behind me. There was a blur, a scuffle of a few feet, and then nothing. They were toying with me- playing with their food.

If they wanted to play, I was game. They could chase me for as long as they wanted, as long as I got away from my family.

"Pretty little human, pretty little human." A man sang from somewhere in front. "Pretty little human, is about to... die."

I sucked in a breath. "So be it, asshole." I whispered, knowing they could hear, before turning in the opposite direction and running.

With each step I was given more and more shattered visions of my forthcoming death. I knew it was inevitable, but yet, I couldn't bring myself to care.

Maybe it was cowardice, but I couldn't think of a better way for this day to end.

Because, in my mind, I told myself I'd be at the place untouched, halcyon, beautiful. Far from what we have become, and far from what's lead to our destruction.

The world would be still.

But there was also this; I wouldn't be there to suffer. To be the one people looked up to for help, the one who volunteered for the looting, scared every day that we'd be caught and I'd be there to watch my family's life drained out of them. The fear was like our breathing- Sometimes we lost it when we were faced with something terrifying, but we needed it to keep us alive. Because without fear, we'd think we were invincible. And arrogance is a common hamartia.

I passed a lamppost which flickered it's light. Sweat pulsed along my forehead in the stuffy night time heat of Texas, and I wiped it away from my eyes with a hand.

"Run, run for your life." A female voice taunted. There were surrounding me, in front, behind, to my sides. Their eyes were sometimes visible as they glowed their faint crimson- they were hungry.

I kept running and running and running until my legs wouldn't work any longer and my chest was rattling and my heart was drowning. I stopped, placed my hands in my thighs as I bent over, and waited until they gave up.

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