Chapter 2

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My eyes shot open as three rounds of sirens blared out.

It took a moment for the dizziness caused by the wound on my head, to go.

"Everybody up and out. If you're lagging behind you don't shower." A guard called. "There are no exceptions."

I couldn't wait to get out of these disgusting dregs they called clothes. Every shower, they supplied us new ones- exactly the same style and color- but clean, thankfully.

I walked out of the opened cell and joined the quickly growing line of bodies beside Miranda as we made the detour for the showers.

"Here we go again." Miranda whispered to me.

I nodded my head in understanding.

Despite the pleasure i got out of taking mildly warm showers when we were allowed, the idea of how it all went down, I hated.

At least 40 bodies ass crammed together I one small, suffocating room as water would be poured down on you from the ceiling, was not at all pleasant.

Flesh pressed to flesh as we all walked through the shower room doors.

It was a quick affair- undress to undergarments, stand in any space you can find, wait in line for clothes, and leave. Spare the gory details. But that had become out reality now.

The open cuts on my head and apparently shoulders and back, too, stung like a bitch. But it felt good once the dark dried blood had run clean off my skin.

Once we were done, we were escorted back to our cells in lines. I tried miserably to avoid anyone touching me, scared of the pain.

But the cell was a welcome sight, to be pulled away from the cramped, stinking space of the bathrooms.

Hours passed, and for an awfully filled space, there was nothing but silence. I guess we were all as scared as each other.

"God, I'm tired." Miranda said from beside me. I had no idea what time it was, but the small light that was placed above the only door had switched on a few hours ago. So I was guessing about midnight.

"Me too. Do you think they'll bring meals to us tonight, or morning?"

"My guess is as good as any, but I'd say mornin'. They ain't gon' give us the pleasure of showering and a full meal in one night, are they?"

"Guess not." I muttered tiredly. "You going to sleep?" I asked.

"Don't see why not. Night, Coralline."

"'Night." I whispered, wincing as I payed into my back and fell into a night of dreams.

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