Chapter 9

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So I was correct, Hades thought, the human was afraid of me, specifically.

He couldn't say he blamed her. But as she cowered away from him, her back against the wall, he couldn't even bring himself the satisfaction knowing of her fear. In fact, he just wanted to shelter her.

She blinked as if dazed, her long lashes sweeping along the hollows of her cheeks. "My room?" She asked. "I don't have a room."

He blinked. "Think of it as, a welcoming gift."

"Why?" Well, wasn't she persistant, Hades thought.

"Because I say so." He said, ending on a whisper. He felt her fear like it was injected into him. He got high off of it, knowing he could create fear like he once felt. But only him. He knew, if anyone so much as looked at her, that connection would turn him crazy and someone would be dead.

"Why?" She was finding her voice again, higher than a weak whisper. Her chin dipped as she studied her palms like the answers were right there, scrawled in the lines of skin and dried dirt. "What does that mean?"

"It means you stay with me. You belong to me."

"But why? Why am I here?"

"I need your blood. Yours, specifically. Twice a-"

"You will not feed from me." She interupted on a whisper, her back sliding up the wall. She stood, "You will not feed from me." She repeated. "No, you won't touch me."

Hades reached a cold finger out, placing it under her chin. With a jerk, he lifted her face to his. "I will." He said, before running his hand down her neck, landing on the fierce pulse of her blood. "Because I have to." He put pressure onto the artery.

The human shivered, her head moving away from his touch like opposing magnets. Her smell was completely intoxicating, and along with his foreboading hunger, he was so close to becoming a savage and ripping a hole into her neck.

But that was the danger of this. One slip, and his life was over. This was it, the answer he'd ways been looking for, and it would stay unharmed until the very last second he needed it.

"But why?" She whispered. "Why me? Why now? Just... why?"

Hades stepped back abruptly, leaning against the foot of the bed. "You have something I need." She didn't speak. She waited for him to carry on. "And you will not fight me when I take it from you."

Her heart skipped a couple beats. Slowly, she asked, "How do you know I won't?"

Hades grinned again, his aching gums finally giving way to his brilliant fangs. "Tell me, Nalla... How far would you go for the ones you love?"

Hades couldn't help feel satisfactory when the females eyes widened, and her fear was replaced by a thick sense of dread and anger. "Now I have your attention."

Her jaw clenched. "My families dead." She lied. He knew it, she knew it, but if she wanted to play that game, it was fine with him.

"We both know that's not true. Now, I have a proposition for you." He sat on the bed. "And you need to agree."

The female almost laughed. "Of course I will never agree! You sick son of a-"

"Listen." He silenced. "Here is my proposition. Well, it's more of a choice, really. You agree to keep healthy, at your strongest no matter what, and allow me to take from you what I need when I need it, and you live." Her eyes never derailed from her steely gaze on his darkened face. "But if you don't agree, I will take it anyway, kill you in the process, and that family of yours... They will no longer remain safe, tucked away in their little church. Oblivious to your whereabouts."

He heard her sharp intake of breath. "How do you-"

"A lone teenager, running through a practically desolate town with a bag of clothes ranging from sizes 6-30, 3 pairs of shoes, and enough food to feed at least 7 for a week? Research." He said.

There was a long pause. "How will I know they're not hurt? Can I see them?"


"Well then I won't do it."

"You see, you don't have a choice. You either do it willingly and I spare your family, giving you my word, or you don't. I kill your family, and once I am done with you, I will kill you, too."

He saw the tears welling in her eyes. Such a pittiful ultimatum. Maybe if he had a heart, a worthy, caring heart, he could feel something right now. But it was just that- he couldn't.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't."

She sighed. "So I agree, and you feed off me. My family is left alone, and after you're... done with me, what happens then? Do you kill me? My family?"

"You will return to your cell." Hades grinned, showing his full set of fangs. "Or I'll kill you anyway. Only time will tell."

"Only time will tell." She repeated. "Okay." She whispered. "But if you so much as lay a finger on my family, so help me god I'll put my damn fingers through your eyes."

"Is that an agreement, Human?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes," And let it out. "it's an agreement."

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