Chapter 6

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When I'd first arrived here, I was a screaming mess. My hands were bloodied to the bone after a week of constant hammering on the bars and back wall, and my voice was stolen from the never ending cries and pleas.

After maybe the third of fourth week, I shut up and stayed quiet. It was no use. And that was the ultimate bane of my existence; no better ending.

I sat among the thin blanket, dragging it and myself to the opposite side of the cell; away from my usual seating, where I'd spent a fair amount of time talking with a particular warm hearted someone.

I rested my head back against the wall, just as an echoing voice called out. "I tried, Zamber. But you can't argue with him!"

Two unfamiliar figures emerged from the stairwell where the messengers normally came from. Both were extremely large, well built men with shoulder length black hair and red and blue flexed eyes, and I immediately could place them as guards. Ironically, all the vampires looked similar, but all guards had the same sort of build and intimidating look to them.

"Of course you can't argue with him, you moron! He's the king." The guard, who I was guessing was Zamber, came to a stop in the middle of the cell block. "What does he want? Why would he be coming down here?" Zamber asked, although the other guard was not listening. His head was searching the cells, as if he had never seen such a thing.

"Alexander!" Zamber growled. "Are you listening to me?"

"What? Yes." Alexander replied. "What did you say?"

Zamber gave an exasperated sigh. At that point, I'd subconsciously moved to the front of my cell to hear better their conversation, standing with my palms pressed to the bars. The king was coming down here?

"What are his reasons for coming here? Surely there is something you are useful for?" Zamber hissed. I already didn't like him, on top of the already dislike for his vampire blood.

"How am I supposed to know? I get payed to watch the doors. I didn't know up until 5 seconds ago what I was even guarding!" Alexander cast another awed look around the cells. I felt my fists clench. What were we, pets?

"Mother should have stopped at one child, she really should have."

Alexander chuckled.

Just then, a loud pair of footsteps echoed from the stairwell. Alexander and Zamber both cast nervous glances at each other before heading over, followed by a few other stray guards from other cell blocks.

I tried to listen, but much of what I caught was only short words like, "Lord," or "order", and "request,"

As the few guards who had left slowly came back through the door, another foreboding presence followed, so tall his head rose above all the others. With him, came a darkness that encompassed the room, taking me completely captive with awe and horror at the same time.

The nighttime glow cast shadows upon his face as he approached, and it was not until he stood under the moons reflection through the slit window above the cells that I truly saw him.

And I felt my breath hitch.

White blond hair sat just above his ears, completely unique in its colour and abstract in its surroundings. Not only did the colour of his hair completely idolise and define him from the others of his kind, but his body was... Deadly. In one word, completely and utterly- deadly.

Shoulders spanned wider than any mans I had seen before, full of power and authority. His back was slouched, making him at least a few inches smaller than his full height, but still, he towered over the rest. Through the long leather of his coat, you could see the thick bulges of his arms, the muscles terse and tight, covered with what I could only presume were weapons.

But that, nor the strikingness of his golden red flexed eyes, was what held me. The white scar that ran from his left temple, across his forehead, and down his right cheek, was.

And surely he wasn't a vampire. He didn't fit, not with them. But something told me he wasn't a human, either.

His mere presence was enough to make me want to bow down in fear, but also daringly, stupidly, bend down on my knees and pray, for the man must be nothing lesser than a god himself, surely.

But with him came something sinister. Even his eyes, cold and glazed held something much more than the task of leading a world of abominable vampires.

So this was him, I thought. The man who had destroyed our world.

"Sire, may we ask what it is you request of us?" I think it was Zamber who spoke, his voice becoming vaguely familiar to my ears in this lonely place.

But I, was too captivated by the king. And if I wasn't mistaken, with the dim light reflecting shadows on his face, he was staring at me.

"No, you may not." The king spoke calmly, his evenness creating tension like a palpable current.

Zamber tightened his lips together and stepped back, lowering his head in acceptance to the king. "Keys." He held out his hand, and when nobody offered them, I could have sworn I heard him growl.

"Keys." He repeated again. "To cell 54."

I felt my head spinning. I was 54.

"One moment." Zamber said. "Let me just get the keys."

The king did not look grateful for whatever the man had offered. In fact, he looked annoyed that he was being further stalled.

It was odd, compared to the king, these vampires reminded me of something small and weak. Humans, to be precise. But I knew they were anything but.

"Lord Hades." Zamber offered a bow, before handing the Keys to the king." Hades? As in, king of the underworld Hades? I almost laughed of the situation wasn't so terse.

I wanted to close my eyes, to pray that with each step closer to my cell, they would eventually fade off and pass.

My breathing stopped.

The bolt clicked open.

My eyes flickered to the kings.

He was watching me.

My heart lurched to my throat. He was here for me.

Zamber opened the bars and approached me.

"Mella." He grinned smugly. "You're king awaits."

And all I remember is seeing the ceiling as my legs gave out underneath me.

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