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Crystal's P.O.V

It was a cold, muggy, and rainy afternoon. I stared out my bedroom window and pressed my hand against the glass. I hated the rain. I always did. I always felt tired, depressed, and miserable on rainy days, but the rain sounded relaxing, and the air smelled good. My boyfriend, BraveHeart, was on my bed. BraveHeart looked up at me, his hazel eyes filled with depression. "Now what do we do?" I asked BraveHeart. "It does-"

"Mario! Mario!? You don't look so good!" Luigi shouted. BraveHeart and I quickly ran down the hall to the Mario Brothers' room. It didn't surprise me that Luigi said that Mario wasn't looking so good. Mario has been down with the flu lately, but Mario had a really really bad case of it! He's been vomiting, coughing a lot, and he could barely walk or get up.

When we finally got to their room, we horrified by what we saw! DarkAngel, my best friend, walked into the room and gasped. "Oh dear...he looks awful!" DarkAngel said, putting her hand over her mouth. Mario was pale, sweating a lot, and he was panting. I was confused about the sweating part. It was cold outside, and it was cold in the castle, but that's not important! What's important is making sure that Mario is okay! Mario was sitting up, which didn't make things any better. Mario would always refuse to lay down and relax due to him being so predictive over everyone and everyTHING. Lately he's been protective over I and DarkAngel, but there is a reason for that.I and DarkAngel have only been living in the Mushroom Kingdom for six months, and we still do not know much about this place. But Mario's flu was so bad that even Peach told him that he needed to relax. Which surprised me. Usually she always needed her knight in shining armor. The stupid...beehive!

"Mario, are you okay!?" I asked.

"Yeah, you don't look so good!" BraveHeart said.

Mario looked at us and smiled. "I'm okay, guys. I really am." Mario said, before coughing again. This broke my heart to see that Mario was in this much pain.

I shook my head. "Oh no! You're going to a doctor!"

"Look, Crystal...I appreciate that you're worried about me, but I'm fine." Mario said.

"Please Mario, at least go there for us." I said. "Everyone is worried about you. Please!" Mario stood up. He looked at all of us and sighed.

"Fine," Mario said, forcing a smile. "I'll go." I smiled. I knew we'd be able to convince him.

"I'm going with you." I said, putting on my coat.

BraveHeart looked at me with a worried expression on his face. "Crystal, are you sure you'll be okay?" Uhh...yeah. I may be weak, but I'm not a baby, BraveHeart! I'm not like Peach! But I wasn't gonna say though out loud. I didn't wanna hurt his feelings.

"Don't worry, Brave. I'll be fine." I assured him. I leaned in closer to him and whispered "Besides, I'm not Peach. I don't need rescued every second." BraveHeart giggled. Mario put on his coat. Luigi looked at Mario, concerned for his brother's health.

"Do you promise that you'll get better, bro?" Luigi asked.

"Awe..." DarkAngel said. I smiled. Mario and Luigi's brotherly love is so sweet that it was adorable! Well, they're adorable in general, but still AWWWE!

Mario smiled at Luigi. "I'll eventually get better. I love you, lil' bro." I think I'm gonna die from cuteness because of this. We're wasting time here, are we?

"Are you ready?" I asked Mario.

"Ready," Mario replied. DarkAngel and BraveHeart hugged me tightly. Uhh, I'd rather you guys not break my ribs and/or spine, thanks.

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