The Infection in BraveHeart's Dreams

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BraveHeart's P.O.V

I woke up, hoping that Crystal was home. She's been gone for two days, and I was starting to get worried. I got out of my bed and got dressed, then I went to Crystal's bedroom door and knocked. Nobody answered. That was a sign that she wasn't home! I started getting nervous! "Crystal! Where are you?" I started to panic! Where was my beloved Crystal?! I frantically started looking for her. DarkAngel came up the stairs. She looked at me with a confused face.

"BraveHeart, are you okay?" DarkAngel asked.

"No!" I cried. "I-I-I can't find Crystal!"

"I can't find Mario either!" Luigi said as he came running up the stairs. "Where could they be?"

"I don't know." I said. "I'm not a psychic!"

"Well BraveHeart, you should know where she is! You're always with her!" DarkAngel spat. "After all, you're her boyfriend!" DarkAngel started to cry.

"DarkAngel, please don't cry!" Luigi said. I sighed. I felt terrible that I couldn't locate my girlfriend. I yawned and rubbed his eyes. How am I tired? I thought. I just woke up thirty minutes ago!

"BraveHeart, are you okay, dude?" DarkAngel asked.

I nodded. "I'm just a little tired." Luigi also looked tired. DarkAngel did as well, but I wasn't gonna say anything.

"BraveHeart, you deserve to take a little rest. You've been looking for Crystal for half an hour." Luigi said. I nodded in agreement. But how am I tired?! I just ignored the the thought. I went back to my room and went straight to bed. I didn't fall asleep right away, Crystal's laugh kept on haunting him. "Crystal...Mario...please be okay."

"LET ME GO, YOU A**HOLE!" I woke up. My head was pounding.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. It took me a while to realize that I was at the hospital, but I had no idea why he was there. I was in perfect health, there was no need for me to be here! I heard the awful scream again. Whoever was screaming had a deep voice. It wasn't that loud, but it was still horrifying! "Where is that screaming coming from?" I asked myself. I hopped out of the hospital bed and followed the screaming to see where it was coming from. It led me to a lab. "What the f***?" I asked myself. I shrugged. I knew that I had to save who was screaming, part of the job of a hero. I opened the door and slowly walked in. The lab felt cold. With every step I took, the chills up my spine got worse. I eventually found a black and red hedgehog tied down to a operating table. It was Shadow! What was he doing at the Mushroom Kingdom? Probably up to no good.

"Wake up, sleepy head." a calm voice chime in. I hid behind a corner and peeked from it. I saw Dr. Mario walking in with a smirk on his face. His pupils were blood red, and he carried a syringe! "Sorry that I couldn't loosen the shackles. I was afraid that you were gonna punch me and run off. Now stay still..."

Shadow got mad. "What is the meaning of this? Let me go, you idiot!"

Dr. Mario chuckled. "Oh my feelings! Oh no my heart is broken!" Dr. Mario put his hand over his chest. "Oh no! Doctor, I'm dying from a broken heart! Oh no! Oh no!" I couldn't help but smirk at Dr. Mario's insult. In case you guys are wondering, yes, Shadow and I do not like each other! It's kinda like Mario and Sonic's rivalry. But enough about Sonic, he's not important right now.

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Okay I know you're being sarcastic. Hahaha very funny, why am I here?!"

Dr. Mario rolled his eyes and looked back at Shadow. "Oh Shadow, ever had any type of shot before?"

Shadow looked confused. "Yeah. Why are you asking?" Dr. Mario just stared at Shadow. There was almost a whole minute of silence. I felt a shiver go up my spine.

"Did you ever wonder what happened to Sonic, Tails, and Blaze?" Dr. Mario asked, crossing his arms with amusement.

"Yeah! They've been missing for months!" Shadow said.

"I needed their blood for the serum I've been working on, but in order to get their blood, I needed to infect them." Dr. Mario continued. "And it look's like you're next!"

Shadow looked terrified. "What, you're going to infect me, what the f*** is wrong with you!?"

Dr. Mario chuckled, his eyes turning even redder than before. "Oh, aren't you smart?" Dr. Mario said. Was Dr. Mario purposely trying to make Shadow mad? I know I wouldn't do that! Shadow would've probably killed me if I did that! Shadow tried to struggle his way out of the shackles, but they were so tight that his wrist and ankles started to bleed. Shadow looked even more terrified than before, usually he'd beat people to death. Was Shadow afraid because the blood was coming from his own body? What's wrong with you, Shadow? Punch him in the face! I thought. You're Shadow the f***ing hedgehog! Punch that a**hole! But I could understand what Shadow was going through. Even though I was strong, I couldn't bare to see my own blood at all. "Anyway, it's time to take your medicine, and like I said before, this will only hurt for a moment!" Dr. Mario piped as he injected the serum in Shadow's arm.

"Agh! What's in that thing?!" Shadow yelled, holding back tears. "All my organs burn!"

"Shadow have you been listening to me, I said it's chemicals and blood!" Dr. Mario yelled. Dr. Mario smiled as he enjoyed watching Shadow suffer. I never saw Shadow freak out! He's usually so calm...well...unless he's p***ed off.

"M-My blood!" Shadow wailed. I saw Shadow's blood turning puckish green, and it was terrifying! What if Dr. Mario catches me?! I thought. My hands were sweaty and my hair was on all ends! Shadow was still struggling, but the serum was quick. Shadow passed out, blood still flowing from his mouth. I was so scared that I couldn't say a word!

"Okay Shadow, time to isolate you. You've put up a great fight didn't you, but're nothing!" Dr. Mario grunted. Dr. Mario dragged the unconscious hedgehog to one if the isolation tanks. Once Shadow was in one of them, Dr. Mario laughed. "I might never find a cure for the flu, but torturing people is so much fun!" I was frightened again. Does he have Crystal infected!? I thought in anger. "Huh, what's this? A black jacket with a purple circle on it's back with a white arrow in the middle of the circle?" S***! I was now frozen with fear. That was my jacket! Dr. Mario picked up my jacket. "This is BraveHeart's jacket! He's here!" Dr. Mario turned around and saw me! I quickly ran away. "Hey! I saw you BraveHeart! You're not going anywhere!" Dr. Mario said, running after me. The door was up ahead. I was going to make it! Yes! That's when I felt something thick and sharp hit my right hip! I wailed in pain and fell collapsed to the floor.

"What, a scalpel!?" I asked in fear. I saw my blood slowly flowing from my body! I started freaking out! "Gah! No!"

"I finally got you where I want you!" Dr. Mario held a giant saw in his hands. He pointed it towards me!

"D-Dr. Mario, please! D-Don't do this!" I felt the tip of the saw on my neck. It was cold as ice.

"Sorry BraveHeart, but I can't have any witnesses." I felt the saw cut my neck! I started freaking out again! I eventually passed out from a dangerous amount blood loss! The last thing I heard was somebody yelling my name.


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