Sickness Is The Cure!

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Crystal's P.O.V.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my clock. I slept until ten-thirty in the morning, I could tell due to the sun being all the way up. I quickly hopped out of bed and got dressed. BraveHeart and DarkAngel were outside, sitting in the grass, underneath a tree, and were on their laptops. I quickly went downstairs to join them outside. I  stopped only to see Mario, staring out the window. What...why is he home? I was confused. Why did the doctors allow him to come home? There was no way that Mario could just suddenly get rid if his flu within one night! Wait...can he...? I dunno.

"Mario! What are you doing here, are you feeling better?" I asked him.

Mario nodded. "Yeah, actually, that's why I came home. I felt like I no longer needed to stay there." Mario said, avoiding eye contact with me, but I ignored that fact. I was just happy that he was home and no longer sick! But the lack of eye contact made me wonder...was he mad at me?

"Mario, why won't you look at me?" I asked. "Are you mad at me or something?" He was probably mad that I took him to the doctor's even though he told me "no." Mario turned around, looked at me, and gave me a tiny smile. I ran up to Mario and gave him a quick hug.

"You look a lot better." I said.

"Well doctors always know best." Mario said with a smile.

"Mario!" Luigi said with tears coming down his face. Luigi ran down the stairs and tackle hugged his brother. Awe! "You're okay! I am so happy to see you! I wa-you wer-" Luigi lost his words, collapsed on the floor, and cried tears of joy. Mario got off the floor and patted his brother's head and smiled. I noticed the smile was not the smile of was the smile of evil! I also know this from experiences.

"Oh Luigi, I missed you so much." Mario said. Mario started hugging Luigi, eventually he started squeezing him like a plushie. Luigi gritted his teeth in pain.

"Mario, what are you doing?" Luigi asked as he pulled himself away from his brother. What's wrong with Mario now? I thought. Because that wasn't normal...he would never hug Luigi that hard.

"I'm sorry 'lil bro. I'm just still a little...dizzy." Mario chuckled. At those last words, Mario's pupils turned red. He quickly rubbed his eyes. That's I knew that the Mario I was talking to was not the real Mario!

Luigi smiled. "Okay bro. I'll see you later." Luigi started heading back upstairs. Mario's pupils turned red again!

I bared my teeth. "Yeah, listen here pal! You can't fool me! I know you're not Mario!" Mario started to laugh and got a syringe out. My eyes widen with fear.

"What are you doing with that, Mario!?" I asked. Mario grabbed me and pinned me down on the floor! "Mario! Have you gone mad, what are you doing?!" I squirmed, trying to break free, but I couldn't move! It was either that Mario has somehow gotten stronger, or I was getting weak.

"Stay still!" Mario grunted at me. I ignored him and continued scattering. Eventually Mario pinched me on the neck. I wailed in pain. After that, Mario injected the serum into my body. I started getting sleepy. I tried to run away from him, but the serum was too strong. I passed out.

"Ugh...where in the world am I?" I asked, my vision blurry. When I was fully awake, and my vision was clear, I realized that I was tied down! I noticed that I was in a lab because of the test tubes and computers. The lab smelled terrible and it was surprisingly hot! It was also really dark, which gave me chills. The dark is one of my fears!

"So, looks like miss sleeping beauty finally woke up." I heard a familiar voice say. I knew who it was. I saw Dr. Mario come out of the corner. His medical coat was black, his pupils were red, and he had an evil smile across his face.

"Dr. Mario! How did I get here, what's going on?!" I asked. "Why the heck do you looking like a freakin' lunatic!?" Oops! I should've kept my mouth shut! Dr. Mario looked angry!

Dr. Mario smiled and giggled. "That's cute, you're cute, you seriously don't remember, don't you?"

I stared at him for a moment, then gasped as memories flashed in my mind. "I-It was you who was at the castle, and it was you who injected that sleeping serum into me!"

"Wow! You're a smart one!" Dr. Mario said. "Do you know why you are here?"

I shook her head. "Of course I don't, why?!"

Dr. Mario's face got serious, his smile faded. "Ever wonder what medicine is made of, young one?"

"Y-Yeah, why are you asking?" I asked, nervously.

Dr. Mario chuckled. "Blood and unknown chemicals. That's the answer. I collect idiot's blood and add dangerous chemicals then BAM! MEDICINE IS MADE!" Dr. Mario continued. "What do you think happened to Mario...?"

I got tears in my eyes. They were tears of anger! "You infected him?! You monster, is he dead, why would yo-" Dr. Mario slammed his fist on the operation table. I felt my heart skip a beat.I kept my mouth shut.

"Shut up! He's not dead! I just need that idiot as a lab're going to be a lab rat too!" Dr. Mario grunted.

"You're going to infect me, that's messed up Dr. Mario!" I squeaked. Dr. Mario made a mocking gesture with his hand as he was getting the serum ready. I had the urge to bite his arm.

"Hey, sometimes sickness is the cure." Dr. Mario said, calmly. "And might I add...that squeak you made is adorable. It's as cute as you are!"

"I'M NOT CUTE!" I hissed. Dr. Mario giggled and got a syringe out. It the words 'Lab Rat' on the label. Dr. Mario injected the serum into my left arm. my arm was now throbbing in pain. "How do you feel Crystal?" Dr. Mario asked. I couldn't speak. I was crying green blood and was coughing up black blood! I felt terrible. After a good thirteen seconds, the pain was gone. I felt nothing. My body was completely numb. Dr. Mario untied me and carried me. He put me in a cell. I tried to punch Dr. Mario, but he quickly shut the cell door, then my hand landed on the metal bars, at least I didn't feel anything when I did that. "I honestly didn't want to infect you, Crystal...but you left me no choice..."

"What do you mean, you sick freak?!" I asked.

"I kinda liked you! But then I realize...that I was wrong!" Dr. Mario hissed. "All I myself!"

"You will not get away with this!" I spat. "Once DarkAngel and BraveHeart know I'm missing...they'll find me...and BRING YOU DOWN! And another thing...F-"

"Crystal?" a voice said. I turned her head and saw Mario. He was infected, but he wasn't that messed up.

"Mario!" I said. I ran and hugged Mario. Thank goodness that he wasn't dead!

" comes we're not isolated like the other subjects?" Crystal asked. "Your clone told me that he infected a lot of people and isolated them."

"Because...Dr. Mario wants to keep us for experiments...we're...his lab rats" Mario said. It was cold in the cell. Crystal couldn't feel a single bone in her body. Mario started to cry. Crystal comfort him by rubbing his back while hugging him. Dr. Mario just stood in front of the cell, arms and he had a stupid smirk across his face. Crystal knew this was it...she was gonna die in that cold, dirty cell.

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