Creating Cultures

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Werewolves can come from many cultures, either new ones in our world or from a whole new fantasy world. 

When world building, it is important that if you have characters from various parts of a country or a world you have made, that they reflect these areas. It helps create interest for your reader and your characters become individual and different.

Culture doesn't mean religion, so you can construct your cultures with or without it. Though there are some important things you need to consider-

First, think about the place where your character lives.

Is it a colourful, vibrant place? Or is it a drab, grey place?

Are people friendly? Or are they reserved and quiet?

Is family important? What about friendships?

Is it the women who lead the society or is it the men?

Are there any unspoken 'rules' about behaviour?

Now you have the bare bones of your culture, think about the 'icing on the cake'

Are there any traditional clothing, meals, house styles?

Introducing the 'icing' into your story is what will elevate your plot to make it more immersive.

When you are making notes about your culture, create as much information as possible! This will help you as you write, but remember that not everything you note down should be included in the final story- it is as much for you as your readers.

What would your werewolf culture be? 

Need a little more inspiration? Pictures can help stir the imagination! Who do you imagine living in these places? Who is important here? What do they wear? What do they eat?

Need a little more inspiration? Pictures can help stir the imagination! Who do you imagine living in these places? Who is important here? What do they wear? What do they eat?

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