The Hierarchy

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There are many werewolf stories that don't involve the typical ranking system, but if you choose to use them, it's important to know who does what and why.

This chapter will focus on the main hierarchy of pack members.

* Drum rolls*

To start us off we'll focus on the big guy.

The Alpha

His responsibility is to care for the pack and to lead them. He may not always be right but in his defence his main priority is the people- the wolves he leads. It's Cliche that the Alpha is a dark secretive guy who barely shows any emotions, but that's not always the case.

The alpha has the role in ensuring his pack grows and is nourished, but most importantly that no harm comes to them. The Alpha won't hesitate in extending his canines and ready to put his paw down.

As well as leading his people, the Alpha has as big of a priority when it concerns his Luna. So, the second biggest role that is in the pack is the role of the Luna.


In many stories, the Alpha can't become an Alpha until he has a Luna. In other stories, It is the Luna who helps the Alpha see the error of his ways. Often a kind, maternal and loving character, the Luna is just as important within the pack as the Alpha.

She looks after the young and old, and makes the time for everyone.

In some books we see the Luna as a very shy and timid character and there's no harm in that at all- but having a strong fiery Luna ready to protect her pack at all cost is pretty cool as well. 

The Luna further has the duty in ensuring she raises strong future leaders with the Alpha, for the welfare of the future generations. She is the backbone of the pack.


The Beta comes after the Alpha and the Luna and the right hand man to the Alpha. 

They ensure the safety of the pack and he oversees events that the Alpha isn't able to. This man or woman is in charge of the packs training and ensuring everyone is fully ready and equipped. 

He's the go to guy in the pack who is often the Alpha's best friend. But the relationship dynamic is up to the writer, best friend or secret enemy- you decide!


The enforcers are the soldiers. They are the people you don't want to mess with. They're the bad ass fighters that you either love or hate, but just know their full loyalty lays with the welfare of the pack and the protection of the Alpha.


The Omegas are the wolves who rank lowest in the pack. They hold no influence over the pack are the people who just go about their every day business. They are the doctors, shop keepers, builders, teachers and mechanics.

Can you think of any more ranks in a wolf pack? Which one do you think you would be if you were a werewolf?

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