Part 1

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It was a peaceful afternoon at the Bangtan dorm. Seokjin and Namjoon were running errands, Jungkook and Taehyung were on a date, Yoongi and Jimin were cuddling and watching a movie while Hoseok waited for Jimin to leave — for them to stop cuddling so he could talk with Yoongi. Jimin pulled away from Yoongi and sat up slightly, leaning back on his elbows. He turned to look at Yoongi, a red tint already adorning his features, he smiled softly.

"Hey, I just realized that I had to go and get something from the store," He said to Yoongi while fully sitting up. Hoseok, hearing the news, was ecstatic knowing that his patience had not gone to waste. He waited for a few more moments before approaching Yoongi.

"Yoongi, can I tell you something?" He started slowly, his nervousness prominently showing.

"Of course, what is it?" He sat up and gave Hoseok his undivided attention.

"I-I like you Yoongi," He stuttered and watched him for a reaction.
Yoongi sighed and ruffled his hair. Yoongi opened his mouth to reply but Hoseok beat him to it.

"No," He seemed to decide then and there, "I love you." He said it so confidently as if he was in a vocal argument and knew that he was winning. "I've loved you ever since we met, Yoongi. You were so amazing and talented," He paused looking into the eyes of his beloved, "I've always loved you for that." Hoseok stopped talking to give Yoongi a chance to speak and even though he already knew in the back of his mind, his heart shattered at Yoongi's next words.

"Hoseok, I'm sorry but I'm with Jimin." Yoongi paused and ruffled his hair once again, purposefully avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry, I just don't see you that way."

Hoseok's sadness was replaced with anger. He didn't know why but he couldn't control his feelings. He had spent all those years gathering up his courage only to find out that he was dating Jimin? Of course, he already knew but knowing and hearing it come out of someone's mouth were two different things. Of course he knew, how couldn't he have? They've been close for a few months, not to mention they had just been cuddling. He hated it, specifically, he hated Jimin for stealing away his Yoongi.

"What does Jimin have that I don't!?" Hoseok yells at Yoongi, his own anger surprising him. Yoongi finally stopped avoiding eye contact and looked Hoseok straight in the eyes, a fire burning deeply within his irises.

"What does he have that you don't?" He repeated Hoseok's question beginning with a low and dangerous tone, "Are you really asking that question right now!?" He yelled, the flame in his eyes bursting out and showing how truly angry he was. "Jimin's way kinder and nicer than you," He paused, lowering his town of voice, "That's for sure." He looked Hoseok up and down with disgust.

"Oh," Hoseok nods and looks down to the floor, placing his hands on his hips. "So now you're protecting that little shit?" He spat out, once again maintaining eye contact but did not remove his hands from his hips. Anger was enveloping Hoseok like a blanket, he was no longer thinking about what he was saying.

Yoongi paused and ran Hoseok's previous lines through his mind. Anger also decided to harshly wrap around Yoongi, engulfing him in it's ugly and impulsive flames. Yoongi clenched his fist before shooting it out harshly and swiftly, feeling his knuckles hit the skin of Hoseok's face. Hoseok fell to the ground due to the sheer power of Yoongi's punch. Yoongi followed after and clenched his fist in Hoseok's clothes, throwing punch after punch, too livid to notice the sound of the door clicking and swinging open with only a slight creak.

Seokjin walked through the door with the shopping bags crinkling in his hands. He looked down focusing on removing his shoes before yelling out to the two.

"I'm back with the others an-" Seokjin looked up from removing his shoes and watched in horror and he saw his bandmates fighting. "Oh my god!" He dropped his bags and tried to pull Yoongi from a bloody-faced Hoseok.

Yoongi shoves off Seokjin and shoved his way past the other members, swiftly putting on his shoes and leaving the dorm. Jimin, not that far from the dorm, saw Yoongi storm out and called out to him, following him. Yoongi's mind was racing, he barely heard Jimin call out to him. Yoongi wanted to get away, as far as he possibly could. He felt so guilty for punching his best friend but he deserved it. He stopped for a second, taking a breath and blinking. Yoongi was still a slave to his thoughts, not able to get a hold of them and escape his current prison like thoughts. Yoongi blinked, finally taking a look at his surroundings before he turns in the direction Jimin's voice was coming from.

"Yoongi, get out of the way!"

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